Yet another book thread


100% Pure Canadian Beef
So I have read all the Dresden Files books, by Jim Butcher, and I freely recommend them to anyone. I even went so far as to buy the hardcover of the latest, and paying full price.

Now the part I hate about series of books...

the wait.

Next book is out in April 2009....

and there is a 70 page novella about one of the other characters, but that is only out in October.

the good points though is he releases short stories on his website, for free.

So the point, do you also hate waiting for the next installment?


Well-Known Member
Love the Dresden books - the TV show sucked donkey testicles.

Hating the wait...for me it's mostly because of Jordon's WoT series that I currently hate to wait. Mind you, he's dead so I can't complain too much, I suppose. The author they picked to finish it for him is slow as all hell tho'


100% Pure Canadian Beef
Love the Dresden books - the TV show sucked donkey testicles.

Hating the wait...for me it's mostly because of Jordon's WoT series that I currently hate to wait. Mind you, he's dead so I can't complain too much, I suppose. The author they picked to finish it for him is slow as all hell tho'

There is another author taking over?

Who, I stopped readign them after crown of swords I think, I just got too out there.


Well-Known Member
yeah... i registered at goodkinds forum in early 2007, a little before he publicized the name and release date of SoT 11. Then I bought it the day it came out, which was I think just before Thanksgiving, so I read it during Thanksgiving vacation.

That's probably the longest I waited for a book...


Well-Known Member
WoT just got to be too involved for me... I read like up to Winter's Heart all in a single run. Then, when Crossroads of Twilight came out, I read that as well, but there were too many characters and subplots and I got confused with it, and never read anything after it.

What I hated about it was how he writes so little from Rand's point of view in the later books... he goes from the hero of the novel to a mysterious character that you feel pretty neutral towards. And the fact that Crossroads of Twilight was 800+ pages, and covered about 3 days of events, none of them really that important. It got to be confusing and drawn out...


100% Pure Canadian Beef
WoT just got to be too involved for me... I read like up to Winter's Heart all in a single run. Then, when Crossroads of Twilight came out, I read that as well, but there were too many characters and subplots and I got confused with it, and never read anything after it.

What I hated about it was how he writes so little from Rand's point of view in the later books... he goes from the hero of the novel to a mysterious character that you feel pretty neutral towards. And the fact that Crossroads of Twilight was 800+ pages, and covered about 3 days of events, none of them really that important. It got to be confusing and drawn out...

at one point I was hoping he was going to split it into 3 series the perrin series, the mat series, and the rand series, and they would jsut meet up again in the last book.


Well-Known Member
There is another author taking over?

Who, I stopped readign them after crown of swords I think, I just got too out there.
Brandon Sanderson

They're finishing off the 12th book and it wraps up the series nicely from everything I've heard. Jordan had copious notes, some rough chapters and a full timeline and character progression chart etc... so it's a matter of this new author stepping in to finish the sentences and keep the style as intact as possible.

Altron - i got a bit dissolusioned with the new plotlines and minor character mishaps as well, but the thought of putting this series to rest and seeing it all come back together has gotten me drooling.

I've considered buying the book in advance to save money. :)


Well-Known Member
Hopefully WoT becomes a good movie... the first six or so books I really enjoyed, I didn't get lost until the seventh. Hopefully the director will keep the characters coherent, and prevent the plot from becoming too stagnant.

There's also a SoT TV series this fall... guess I'll get to watch how badly they mangle it. it's filmed in New Zealand though... and LOTR movies were pretty close to the books (close enough for government work, at least - Bombadil's subplot didn't really have much to do with the rest of the story), so maybe NZ is a good place to film a magnificent book.

I wonder if there's ever going to be a Dark Tower movie/tv series.


100% Pure Canadian Beef
I dunno - it's not effects filled. They'd need the right actors and a 'western' feel to it.

It's not a matter of effects, it's jsut the sort of story that should take place in the minds eye, and really they would have to cut it down so much, etc.

Maybe a movie of young roland would work, or something.


Well-Known Member
I think they could have made a pretty good Gunslinger movie, if they had made it 30 years ago, when Sergio Leone was still alive, and Clint Eastwood was in his 40s, being that King claimed a lot of his inspiration for Roland came from Eastwood.


100% Pure Canadian Beef
I think they could have made a pretty good Gunslinger movie, if they had made it 30 years ago, when Sergio Leone was still alive, and Clint Eastwood was in his 40s, being that King claimed a lot of his inspiration for Roland came from Eastwood.

If they do it, they need a no-name, that is for sure.


Well-Known Member
yeah, it would have to be some low-budget film with actors no one has ever heard of.

there really isn't that much fighting in the books, at least in the first few. I think that most directors would try to turn it into an action movie, when there's really only one fight in the entire first book, and that's not an exciting battle, IMO it's just in there to show that Roland is a super talented merciless killer. You know right from the start that he makes it out of Tull unharmed, they flash back to it just to show that he is willing to kill as many people as he needs to in order to reach the tower.

I expect that if they got a famous actor to do it, they would play up the whole Allie thing to make it seem romantic (and probably end that part with Roland unsuccessfully trying to save her life, as the two of them fight off Pittson and the townsfolk, then being all sad after killing everyone). They'd also probably make Walter much more of a wizard so that Roland fights Walter instead of just having a palaver.