yet another ingenious outburst by whining do-nothings


this may be even smarter than "you lie."

apparently, bart stupak is a baby killer. which is pretty funny, considering...

"Stupak is considered the leading anti-abortion Democrat and held out his support for the legislation until President Obama issued an executive order restating the ban on federal funding of abortion."

you know, if republicans quit being such a bunch of whining pussies and did something - anything - this wouldn't be so pathetic. so now we've got a bad solution to a big health care problem, and the absence of any real alternative.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you, Mink. It's easier to stall, divert attention and then later to complain that you weren't allowed to participate in a bill rather than to cooperate with creating a bill that everyone can agree with. But ... I guess that's not what the insurance company supporters paid them to do.

Republicans: "We want a do-over!"

Where were the Republicans at the beginning of all of this? Why didn't they participate when they knew the people they represented wanted the health care system fixed?


Well-Known Member
I thought you admitted you are an

Where where YOU at the beginning of all of this?

Unless you think it's AOK.


Well-Known Member
GRAPHIC -- Do not click this if you have trouble with the human anatomy related to abortion.

STRIKE this post. Obviously I missed the point, Stupak is swell fella who doesn't want to kill babies but voted to pay for it (with a 30% increase)

The real crime is that someone said something about it.
Whats not to love?



Well-Known Member
As in pr0n? Or disqualified as a legitimate scientific observation? It certainly isn't anything sexual.

kk, Ill fix it ;)

[Ed] - Better?


Well-Known Member
Funny. Certain people's attempt to hijack the thread away from it's original intended subject.

:lol: :lol2: :rofl: :rofl2:

:horse: on all of it :evilgrin:


I thought you admitted you are an

Where where YOU at the beginning of all of this?

Unless you think it's AOK.

again, just because i'm not a self-caricature does not mean i support whatever you believe to be "the other side."

i'd prefer if the gubmint merely passed a law letting insurance companies compete across state lines and offering tax incentives for companies to set up individual plans that are aggregated as quasi-group plans for cost benefits.

hey RM maybe you can post some war hero pics too cause you know folks that disagree with you are all yellow bellies as well as baby killers.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you're right, the issue is that it's rude to say mean things. Why would anyone care if the statement is true.

[x] Baby Killer
[x] You Lie



Well-Known Member
RM, just because you say they're true doesn't make it so. ;) You can poke with that stick all you want to make an attempt to piss people off with the lies but it doesn't make it real. Sorry to burst your bubble. :headbng2:


Well-Known Member
Yeah Minx I could do that couldn't I, mmmm war photos. What kind do you like?

I too like the state-line thing, shame that everything went to hell instead.

Besides Minx, if I werenot all so mucher dummer thun you, who would you whine about?


Yeah Minx I could do that couldn't I, mmmm war photos. What kind do you like?

I too like the state-line thing, shame that everything went to hell instead.

Besides Minx, if I werenot all so mucher dummer thun you, who would you whine about?

obama die not "lie" any more than anyone else in washington does on a regular basis, and bart stupak is AGAINST ABORTION. but, again, facts don't matter when you're bumperstickering. could you maybe try to have a rational discussion?


Well-Known Member
What "facts are you talking about? EO does not trump legislation, unless we now have kings. The fact is: Bart Stupak voted for a bill that pays for abortion, how exactly is that prolife?

"die" Obama -- WTF are you babbling about? Obama lies about anything and everything.
