
New Member
I joined the YMCA yesterday, I am determined to loose atleast 20-23 pounds....I have never been this size except during or after pregnancy, and that was 6 years ago. I always feel tired and drown out. I admit, I let stress get to me way to much. I hope joining helps! Plus, gets me and the boys out of the house for awhile.


Southern Discomfort
Young: I'll give ya that one
Man: Umm...
Christian: None of my business
Association: Given

Best of luck with the weight loss though. I will refrain from making an Inky-esque crack about doing whatever you feel.


New Member
No, its a fitness place. Gym, pool,sauna, aerobics, etc.........I'm actually interestedin their gym equipment for walking and the "steps" program.


New Member
I too joined the YMCA at the beginning of December. I've lost 15 pounds so far and gained a good amount of muscle mass.

I go 3 times a week and do 30 minutes on a cardio machine (burns about 400 calories usually), then an hour of upper body weight lifting and abs, and then between 50-100 laps in the pool.

My girlfriend is doing cardio, a little weight training, and really likes the Yoga classes.

I always feel great after the workouts. I can be feeling lethargic lying on the couch watching tv, but if I make myself get up and go to the gym I have tons of energy afterwards.

Hell, it even cures big hangovers. :D


New Member
Young: I'll give ya that one
Man: Umm...
Christian: None of my business
Association: Given

Best of luck with the weight loss though. I will refrain from making an Inky-esque crack about doing whatever you feel.
Young: I'll give ya that one
Man: Mare
Christian: None of my business
Association: Given


Luis G

Staff member
I thought this thread was about something gay-ish. Didn't even know what YMCA means (just the song) :lol:

Good luck Mare.


New Member
Been meaning to join a gym again sometime soonish, for a while - for a mix of cardio, toning up, keeping healthy, and feeling good and relaxation -

a good jacuzzi, steam room and sauna are a must -

it's as much for a time out and de-stress as the exercise, for me.


New Member
I hit the steam room once a few weeks back and once I got in it was WAY hot. Burning my face and practically unbearable. I thought well you must have to get used to it for a minute so I tried to tough it out and put my towel over my face so it didn't burn so much and I could breath.

So about 15 seconds later my skin got so hot that I went into panic mode and needed to bolt. I pushed on the wrong side of the door, didn't budge, and for a split second thought I was stuck in there...really panicked!

I realized my mistake and got out but what the hell? I was the only one in there so I don't know if that was a normal temperature that some people deal with or if it had somehow just got super hot.

The sauna is just fine but I'm a little timid to go back in the steam room.


New Member
i want to join a gym, but i am teh broke. well, i am not really teh broke, but i would need to do a lot of reprioritizing of my funds to be able to afford a gym.
bought a pedometer, though. i got more than 10,000 steps the first day, but about half that most other days. and i've been eating better, but i'm starting to get to the point where i'm getting sick of it and want to just eat everything in sight, doesn't help that i'm pmsing a little bit right now, too.
hmm, i think some english muffin pizzas on 100 calorie english muffins are in order for lunch today. definitely healthier than the stuff from the awesome pizzeria down the road...
baby steps... baby steps.
maybe i'll run in place later. i did that the other day and it felt pretty good. i wish the belt of our treadmill hadn't gotten worn out, i'd totally be running on the treadmill every day.
i'm jealous of you gym people!


New Member
for me -

Saunas are hot (but not steamy) - reason being - you get it on in there - you go inta de steam room - ;)

(which in the gym i was in - and will probably rejoin ...)

looked like the sperm-eject room in woody Allen's 'all you wanted to know about Sex, but were affraid to ask' ... or the Altron room, if ye prefer ;) ... (j/k) :)

a white, steam room with futuristic chairs and a glass door ala a space pod eject capsule (with alleged 'healthy' steam :D )

