You moved into their home, first


molṑn labé
Staff member
Same with the big cats snacking on joggers.

Solution-jog elsewhere.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Coyotes are nothing but dirty, mean animals when they are in a pack. Alone they are usually very timid animals. You will rarely hear of a coyote attacking a person, they tend to go more for scavenging, and they are probably more interested in the trash than they are the people. I'm really quite surprised the coyotes are staying, it's very unusual behavior for them.


Staff member
over the summer, one of the puppies Daisy had (his owners live in my complex) was down in the bush for a lark and when he came back he brought home his new friend, a coyote. :eek6:
Canada Geese :)

a. k. a. Honker, Gooser-Gooser

Branta canadensis

The canada goose is a bird that can be seen in many photos. A spectacular sight, these birds are famous for V-formations that cross the sky now and then usually in spring and fall when the birds are migrating for nesting and winter sites. Larger species produce deep honks, whereas smaller birds are recognized by high-pitched cackling.
Although there are about 11 regional sub-species, they do not differ much in coloration with a long black neck, broad head, and white straps on the cheeks being a common feature. Generally, females are smaller than males with the wingspan being the same in sexes.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Hey...when you move into an area that was recently 'wilderness', you should expect some of the animals that are being displaced to remain. ;)