Your 15 minutes are up


Well-Known Member
Everyone's famous for 15 minutes, eh? Well let's see who can guess what these people are famous for? Correct answer carries the chain on.

Gideon Sundback

What's he famous for?


Well-Known Member
Well, since you're wrong .... nothing. Same as if you were right. I'm an equal opportunity quizmaster.


New Member
Did he invent the catalytic converter? extention ladders? ski wax? turtleneck sweaters? Hungry Man foil dinners? Nike air pump shoes? the flexible straw? pivot head razors?


Well-Known Member
No. No. No. No. No. No. No.No.

And Greenfreak doesn't have it either.

Funny, I didn't think this one was all that hard. His invention is used worldwide. I'll bet everyone here has at least one in their houses. They might even be in physical contact with it.


New Member
keyboards? presswood table tops? catch me, fuck me leopard print undies? watch batteries? fingernail polish? socks? tv remote controls?