Your front door as a path into your mind


Well-Known Member
If you drop in on someone out of the blue, knock on their door on a monday night and just walk in, what you're likely to get (other than shot at), is a glimpse into their mind. The place where a person lives and works is a good indicator of how they are personally. Is it colourful, or drab? Is it chaotic or neurotically orderly? Is it well laid out? etc ...

My house is in a constant state of flux. There are toys going onto the floor, only to be picked up or moved. Papers everywhere (depending on where I was when a thought struck me), etc. It's a constnat battle between orderliness and utter chaos. At's comforteable and colourful.

How about you?


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
I'm horrible for leaving things where they lay, and this pisses my wife off more than anything. To her, everything has it's place, and when you are done with it, put it there. To me, the house is my place and as long as it's inside the walls, it is put away. I do clean my desk off about once a month, usually because the wife threatens me to do it or she will, and I know how she'll do it.


Well-Known Member
My room is a utopia of functionality. My bed triples as a couch and spare bed, with the spare matress being the back of the 'couch', and the blankets in my pillows. My computer desk doubles as a shelf. I've managed to cram what used to be on a 6'x6'x1,5' shelf into a small 3'x2'x2' drawer, which also functions as a chair. I can turn my screen toward my couch/bed and use it as a TV. My wardrobe fits into a 3'x'3'x'3 closet. All this has given an empty space in which i can practice Aikido.


Well-Known Member
Kawaii said:
My room is a utopia of functionality. My bed triples as a couch and spare bed, with the spare matress being the back of the 'couch', and the blankets in my pillows. My computer desk doubles as a shelf. I've managed to cram what used to be on a 6'x6'x1,5' shelf into a small 3'x2'x2' drawer, which also functions as a chair. I can turn my screen toward my couch/bed and use it as a TV. My wardrobe fits into a 3'x'3'x'3 closet. All this has given an empty space in which i can practice Aikido.

Psst....outside! It's a good place to practice something which requires a good amount of space :)

Sounds like school-living quarters.


New Member
i have 2 toddlers, 5 cats, 2 dogs. and a slob for a husband - all in a tiny 2 bedroom house....tis cluttered. i keep it as clean as i can but it is a losing battle. it's pretty colorful. lotsa green and purple. lotsa houseplants. lotsa books. lotsa kids toys. my bathroom is ugly...i have a baby blue tub, potty, and sink....yuck.


Well-Known Member
MrBishop said:
Psst....outside! It's a good place to practice something which requires a good amount of space :)
Meh. There's no place outside here you can practice in without people looking at you funny. Especially when wearing a kimono.
Sounds like school-living quarters.
Hint: Take a look at my occupation.

Silver lady

New Member
Sounds kinda interesting!!
Mine is fairly neat and tidy apart from the corner that is mine! I like to have things to hand! so I get it in the neck from my other half nine times out of ten! :lol2:

Ms Ann Thrope

New Member
I have a difficult time throwing anything away, but I hate clutter so I have strictly defined areas for chaos, er... storage: an attic and a basement.

I live in a late '20s bungalow that's a little too twee for my taste, but I've given in to its charms and try to play to its architecture. The only place where I ignore its early 20th c character is on the walls -- they're pretty much covered with contemporary art: paintings, photographs, works on paper. Not much sculpture, but a few pieces here and there.

My biggest downfall is books. Stacks everywhere. All the bookshelves are double stacked, and I've had to resort to other surfaces. Every table and a few chairs seem to hold piles... :blush: I try to do a purge every few years and donate to my local library, but that only leads to rereading much loved books I had forgotten I owned... Yep, books are my biggest problem... think Ray Milland in The Lost Weekend looking at a bottle of scotch and you see my face when I walk past a small, independently owned bookstore. Oddly enough I have no trouble ignoring the big chains. :D

Silver lady

New Member
I can sympathise with you there, I have books for most things and like to read up on things and so my shelves groan at times, until I get fed up of the moaning and have a grand sort out! then you can bet your bottom dollar the one book I look for is one I have gotten rid of!!


Well-Known Member
Books...don't get me started there. I manage to rid myself of 20-40 books per year, donated to local charities, left in hospital waiting rooms, left in church or on subways etc... I still manage to have to find new spots for my books at the end of the year. At least I manage to only read one book at a time, though I'm forced to only read in the bathroom. The rest of my day is too full and the loo is the only place where I can find sanctuary from my household chores or renovations.

Ms Ann Thrope

New Member
only one book at a time? I've never been able to do that...I read what I'm in the mood for, and that has a way of changing frequently :blush: I'm usually in the middle of 6 or so books: non-fiction, travel writing, poetry, a 'classic' and some short stories...and then there are the cookbooks.... I need more shelves in my kitchen for those...

realized when describing my home I left off the kitchen -- best room in the house -- large, bright, spotless and cheerful (nothing worse than a dirty, smelly kitchen :mad: ).... if someone drops by this is where I usually am... :D


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Ms Ann Thrope said:
only one book at a time? I've never been able to do that...I read what I'm in the mood for, and that has a way of changing frequently :blush: I'm usually in the middle of 6 or so books: non-fiction, travel writing, poetry, a 'classic' and some short stories...and then there are the cookbooks.... I need more shelves in my kitchen for those...

realized when describing my home I left off the kitchen -- best room in the house -- large, bright, spotless and cheerful (nothing worse than a dirty, smelly kitchen :mad: ).... if someone drops by this is where I usually am... :D

I used to have a place, but, after my fiancee moved in, I now have only 1/8th of my walk-in closet, 1 chest-of-drawers, and my computer area...which she cleans. I can't find anything in my kitchen any more, as she is in a constant state of moving things around to get them perfect. I miss attempting to cook, but that's about all. Everything is orderly and neat, from my leather living room to my bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. My Daito is hung neatly on the wall over my computer, and my battle axes (display only) are hung neatly behind my easy-chair.


New Member
My god........don't arrive on a Monday, try tuesday......that'll give me a chance to get rid of the empty bottles ;)

My house is pretty "ordinary" I guess. Basic decorating, just the conventional furniture and it's usually a bit untidy.

But this room, the computer room/office is an absolute chaotic hell......I sure that when I'm forced to pack stuff away, when I move house, I'm gonna find stuff that I ain't seen in years :D


Well-Known Member
my dorm is a mess, as is my room but the rest of the house(in md) is clean. I will help keep it cleanexcept my room which is mine.


New Member
I like the way the place looks when the plants outside are in full bloom, I think that's the first impression. And the only impression for people who will never see the inside of my house. The neighbors love me in spring because of the 100+ tulips I have in my lawn. Their impression of me is much better because I take a crappy looking house (nothing I can do about it, I rent) and draw attention to the plants instead.

I don't know how/if these attachments are going to come out so...

1. "coleus_before1" Some plants I potted up in June. The one to pay attention to is the one on the floor. Looks kinda drab and pitiful, right?

2. "coleus_before2" The outside of the house with the pots I put out in July. Big pot is looking a little more colorful, over on the left on the ground. Behind it is a double shepard's hook with my "miniature roses" that were about four inches high when I got them in April.

3. "coleus_miniroses" That drab pitiful pot isn't looking so bad anymore, is it? Mini roses behind them are roughly double the size too.

4. "coleus_miniroses1" Side view with another coleus monster on the ground.

They actually got bigger than that, but they can't take the cold so I cut them all down. Planning on doing roughly quadruple the display next year. :)


New Member
I live in an inner city apartment. It has one bedroom, a tiny kitchen/dining/lounge area, and a toilet/bathroom area. I'm pretty ruthless when it comes to clutter - things that I don't like anyway... Don't ask about the boxes of Star Wars/Doctor Who toys in the corner... :blush: But I can also be quite lazy when it comes to putting things away. There's currently a pile of CDs on the floor at the moment, because the BF is trying to put them all on iTunes, and the rubbish bin is overflowing because I've been too busy with my end-of-year assignment that's due in, and there's a pile of clothes that needs to be put away, that haven't been for the same reason. I guess I'm a wannabe minimalist, but that kibble is just too hard to keep on top of!


New Member
Lots of space that is eeirly empty. Only a few pieces of furniture ... not even a couch. Only one picture is up in my entire house ... and that is one that my mom put up because the stark empitness was freaking her out. No books or magazines in sight. My dining room table has been comsumed by all of the paperwork in my life.