Your government in action


TOTAL gov't handouts dude. "entitlements" not just "welfare."

but cletus in the pic up there is likely AT LEAST on disability of some kind, 'cause he got hurt down at the machine shop, just like they all do. it's truly amazing. my buddy, the ambulance chaser tells me that most of his clients have gotten hurt more than once.

you can't disprove that most whites leaning on uncle sugar are conservatives.



molṑn labé
Staff member
random spew all over the map. you do understand that the vast majority of handouts go to white christian dirtbutts, who would largely call themselves conservative, right?

END ALL FEDERAL HANDOUTS. Period. End of story. It ain't their job. No more redistribution, under any guise.

Look. Problem solved.


Well-Known Member
1. what's an "unbias link?"
2. you NEVER competently back up ANYTHING you say with statistics.
3. you are PROFOUNDLY SUSPICIOUS of statistics anyway.
4. even if you were not afraid stats, you do not know enough about them be able judge their validity.
5. you yourself are an example of such a white christian dirtbutt on the dole.
6. this is all a bunch of comic book bullshit anyway.

yeah, I'm hard you convert, so sue me.
as to number 5
You don't know my situation at present, and don't know what you are talking about.


baby jesus ALSO HATES litigiousness, so i won't be suing you.

why are you calling me a convert? and why are you hard?

as to #5, so then you are completely free of any kind of gov payments today? you have gone back to work? well sorry if i assumed things were as they have been, but typically people on the disability train don't suddenly find new vigor and a job.


END ALL FEDERAL HANDOUTS. Period. End of story. It ain't their job. No more redistribution, under any guise.

Look. Problem solved.

wow. if only we could say those magic words and *poof.*

it's easy enough to change the rules and get toss individuals off of programs. it's the bigger, sunk interests you're gonna have a hard time with... unions, haliburton, et cetera....


Well-Known Member
good to know that since a return to not having the government tax the life out of the economy
will not be happening we will avoid the hard times that might arise from the crony capitalists
be weaned off the government teat

yes we can stumble along virtually forever in a sort of bland mediocrity until...

the inevitable end all such things come too

In a real fourth reich you'll be the first to go, unless you think


shit winky the real problem is that you've settled for bland mediocrity for a long time. ayn randism is the pinnacle of your brain. baby jesus cries for you. later he will round you up and put you in a camp, eventually disposing of you in the most humane, er, least expensive, way. your remains will be fed to the emergent laboring types, who are no smarter, but more physically robust and better able to work the underground sugar caves.

being the vile collaborator i am, i will end up as a mid-level administrator-weenie under the command of our masters, a race of giant ants. the MSM already sees this coming.



Well-Known Member
baby jesus ALSO HATES litigiousness, so i won't be suing you.

why are you calling me a convert? and why are you hard?

as to #5, so then you are completely free of any kind of gov payments today? you have gone back to work? well sorry if i assumed things were as they have been, but typically people on the disability train don't suddenly find new vigor and a job.

oops typo
I meant to say "I'm hard to convert"

as far as number 5, ...
I now work, file a tax return, and pay taxes.
That's more than you need to know, but there it is.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about most, but there are still some of us that will grab our bootstraps,
when we can, and work our way back up.


the one from your freudian slip, er, typo.

so what kind of work they got you doing? i thought yer back was all fucked up so i'm guessing the loading dock probably is a no go....


Well-Known Member
I don't know what I was thinking when I go back to proof what I typed,
other than what I meant to type.

"they" don't have me doing anything.
Self employed IT odds and ends.

Nobody wants to hire a cripple that can just work whenever.


Well-Known Member
well thank heavens you won't be purged in the next bolshevik revolution
like all the intelligentsia were in every previous uprising
me I can't wait to get to the camp, its gonna be great


'cept in this case you think the intelligentsia are the bolsheviks. so they're gonna kill themselves?

... oh, so that's the plan?

and i assume you mean vacation bible camp?

personally, i dig how the church took care of *independent thinkers* like galileo. they did way more to retard thinking than any previous corporate entity in history. at least the romans and vikings were more or less about plunder, instead of trying to mess with yer noodle.


Well-Known Member
yeah right, as if we face the threat of a new inquisition these days

If Obambo and his bunch are representative of the type of people
who are going to lead the next revolution then we've nothing to fear
they couldn't find their asses with both hands and a search warrant.

You ivory tower types are all the same, we know better than everyone else
how they should live their lives.

"we are the one's we've been waiting for "


yeah right, as if we face the threat of a new inquisition these days

the way you tell it certainly sounds like it, drama queen.

You ivory tower types are all the same, we know better than everyone else
how they should live their lives.

i don't give a fuck how you live your life, so long as you don't think raping 14 year-olds is cool, and don't try to regulate the pursuit of happiness of those that make different individual life choices. but, it seems, you've lost the notion of the individual in your soviet identity trip.


Well-Known Member
I really get a kick out of your focus on raping 14 year old girls,
up the ass?

Your imagined fear of the imaginary religious right is comical.

You are ten times better than Spike!