BBQ 2007

I just know that my mom won't really do anything more than about 2 hours without a lengthy stop.

I don't know how long it takes to get to Ontario.

Nixy: I'm about ninety minutes from the NJ/NY border, but to go far upstate takes a lot of time. Syracuse area is at least four hours past the border, and Buffalo is even farther. 10 hours will certainly take me past the Great Lakes, though.

Altron, I have family in New Jersey and in Long Island, NY. We use to go up to see them quite often. New Jersey would usually take us about 6 hours from Montreal and to Long Island it's about 7 to 8 hours drive.
I do not remember ever typing those words.

It does however come back to the whole frequency thing like Gonz, when I think about it it's not so much the driving when you do see her it's the distance that's between you that prevents spontaneous meetings or being able to get together on a whim...long distance is the pits IMHO.

It's paraphrasing... from what a lot of people tell me.
Living in LA (or near), I bet you are used to driving more than 1 hour on a daily basis, so it isn't that much actually.
and that's just popping to the local shop, from what i hear ...

I can leg down to the local 7/11 in about 2 mins.

Shove that up ye pipe LA! *laughs*

what happened to the smilies? They all go to LA and get stuck in traffic???
It's three or four hours to get to LA depending on route and traffic. My commute to work is around 15 minutes.
My daily commute time depends on how fast I walk, and that's never more than 15 minutes. :p

Someday (I hope) I'd love to host it but that's not very likely for a few years. I am slowly but surely getting there, I just put $1500 into new appliances we should've bought 20 years ago. :eek: Anyhow, if it's possible for me to make a BBQ, I'll be there. The only day that's bad for me as of now is July 21, as I have a cousin getting married and a road rallye to host both on the same day in the afternoon/evening; how I'm gonna pull both off I have no idea yet. I need to go learn how to clone myself now...
and I don't care if SnP is kidding or not...I'd also be down for a Jay's game!
heh, why not have the BBQ in old blighty?

BOP is in Europe this summer - combine it with a long otc get together weekend /holiday?

I could provide a nice barn location with some notice - what better?

Good beer - good food (*dares GONZ to get up to speed :finger: :D ) - no pool, but Good times.

Plenty of good countryside, good pubs, nice short break - plenty of room for staying over, at no cost - just book an early cheap flight.

best goddamn BBQ ever!

*beware of hyperbole* ;)

best, BB