Wisdom Teeth...


New Member
Before I got my braces put on, my dentist took X-rays and told me that my wisdom teeth were not properly developed and would not break the gum line.

Well, 9 months post braces and here comes a wisdom tooth popping out on the bottom left. It doesn't hurt terribly, but my gums are tender from it coming in.

I can't get floss back there, it's pushing on my bottom teeth to the point that I stopped wearing my retainers for the pain, and I think the molar it's pushing on is a lot more sensitive.

On Saturday I have to go in for my cleaning, where I plan to bring it up. Think they'll take it out?
Well, they told me mine were impacted and needed to be removed, but I've still got them and they're no longer impacted... time sots out most things... makes you wonder whether anything they do is necesary...
If I want it out because it's screwing with almost 5 year of orthodontic work, would insurance still cover it, or is that a "cosmetic" thing?

The tooth next to it is also sensitive to temperature. I can't even inhale deeply without the cold air bothering it.

Would they only remove it if the wisdom tooth itself is effed up? At this point I can't tell if it is.
No, I think they would pull it if it was affecting the other teeth...can't you just malinger a little and say it's bothering you?
I had mine out before they even really broke through...it's not uncommon for wisdom teeth to fuck up the alignment of your other teeth, almost everyone who gets them here gets them out.
yeah, theyll probably want to take it (and even them) out. i wasn't even supposed to get mine, because they hadn't shown up in my xray when i was x-years old... but then i got them. i too had years of orthodontic work... i think that's part of why they took mine out. they wouldn't have had enough room and would have messed with my alignment hardxcore.

what i reccomend, if you have to get it removed, is to see if you can have them all out at once. it's not an experience you want to do more than once, if you don't have to.
I agree with Ash...I was messed up for a few days...with my mouth stuffed with gauze and hyped up on pain meds and stuff and I'm sure my experience was much worse than the experience of only having two out but I think my experience was probably worlds better than experiencing the "two wisdom teeth removed" pain twice over.
aw our lil baby girl is getting her teeth in, ain't it cute.

Not to worry Flu the same folks that bought a coupla
beemers with the braces thing will reccommend
oral surgery this time.

My Advice let them teeth come in before you yank em

(if you ever yank em at all)
If they come in and screw up her beautiful (and expensive) teeth then it's too late...
yeah they told me my kid needed braces when he was 11 and had the X-rays to back it up Never had braces
when he grew a foot and a half inna year his face grew too
his teeth are perfectly straight now his wizdumb teeth are coming in at her age
again they started with the silly stuff about oral surgery
Guess what they are all coming in fine and if they need to go away then
its 75 bucks each to pop em out not hundreds and stitches and on and on

at least let em come in so its pop pop pop pop to get em out
(remember Schedule II narcotics are your friend)

I had all mine out at once when I was 23, just stayed doped up for three days and
it was nuthin’
Now that you mention it, it does smart a little...

And that, young lady, is how the adults get things done. Welcome.

*on a completely unrelated note, but since yer here...*

You still go to/participate in re-enactments, or is the pursuit of higher learning and boitois consuming all your time these days?
You still go to/participate in re-enactments, or is the pursuit of higher learning and boitois consuming all your time these days?

I haven't been able to do actual re-enactments recently (I didn't even make it to Gettysburg last year because of the flood and reschedule), but I have been keeping up with my history. Taking a CW class next semester, and took a nice drive down to Manassas for spring break.

My next trip (aside from next month's Gettysburg) will be to Chancellorsville or VMI.
Atta girl. You make me soo proud!

My brothers used to do Amercan Civil War re-enactments... as well as us all doing Viking re-enactments... they were confederates. He gave me his bayonet (real), it's stashed away in my cupboard. :D

*sings "peas, peas, peas, peas, eatin' goober peas..."
I agree with Ash...I was messed up for a few days...with my mouth stuffed with gauze and hyped up on pain meds and stuff and I'm sure my experience was much worse than the experience of only having two out but I think my experience was probably worlds better than experiencing the "two wisdom teeth removed" pain twice over.

I agree, I wouldn't have wanted to go through that twice!!
I also suggest you opt for being gassed instead of just numbed, might as well get some fun out of it :trippy:
One of mine (the first) just popped through a couple of weeks ago. :(

I'm too old for this shit.