Sorry, I thought he asked Monica earlier in the thread and didn't get an answer.
Why'd you have an emergency C-section? I love a good labor story.
Mine isn't that interesting. I came down with preeclampsia in the third trimester, and got to spend three weeks in hospital. They were planning on inducing labour the same day I had the c-section - the morning check-up didn't show what they wanted to see, so I had to get my breakfast sucked right outta me again.
I got various tubes inserted, rolled off to a surgery room, got my belly washed with *eek!* something cold. The handsome nurse I mentioned before was a chatty guy who distracted me quite nicely (he wanted me to check if he had garlic breath
) until I closed my eyes, and next time I opened them the same handsome nurse was there (and congratulated me on my son). Later there was puking, sleeping, semi-conscious nursing (with a nurse being flabbergasted I already had milk - nursing went like a charm from the start
). The Critter was three weeks early, but big and healthy.
Oh, and a few days after the birth I looked like a different person to the nurses, after the water left my system, and I went from "Michelin woman" to just plain "fat".