Yet another thing that ain't your fault

Cholesterol and triglyceride problems can indeed be hereditary. My tri's were through the roof, I mean dangerously high. I started taking meds for it and it took a while but they started coming down and kept coming down. My dad is 66 years old and could work most any of us under a table. He is slim and trim and I never ever ever see him drink anything excpet Pepsi...and I mean from the moment he wakes up until he goes to sleep. His tri's are elevated. My mother is very slim, and her tri's are a little elevated. Doc told me that I was a prime candidate to have elevated tri's my entire life no matter what nutritional changes or exercise I tried. So I take the pills faithfully and do the best I can otherwise.

I know that since this cancer/pancreatitis nightmare began almost 4 years ago to the day, my stomach has shrunk drastically. Gone are the days when I could scarf half a medium pizza without a second belch. Now I do well to get two down, and more often only one. I used to be able to put away hot wings by the (plural) dozens, now I doubt I could eat 10, and I loves me some hot wings. I now consider places like Golden Corral or other all-you-can-eat restaurants a waste of my money, cuz I can't eat enough to justify the price usually. Yeah, it took a major illness to turn some of this around for me, and I most certainly wouldn't wish the process on anyone else, but now that I'm here I would like to stay here. After all the pain and suffering I went through, if I can glean a positive from it I will.
Yeah, well my friends and family can be as fat as they want but they won't influence me anymore cos I just lost another 9lbs in 18 days without breaking a sweat (62lbs total so far) and my friend Carole has actually lost 15lbs since I've been changing to this new more active lifestyle and healthy eating regime... so I guess it's right... as for the jugs I've lost 3 inches off them since the 15th June... LOL

90% of diets don't work btw, because you don't learn new habits and go back to eating and behaving the way you did before you hit your target weight. Lifestyle changes like mine however do. I'm slowly building mre activity into my days so that it becomes a habit and actually I'm really enjoying it. I'm expecting a recumbent stationary cycle to be delivered on monday as I can't walk much, but I've always liked using the recumbent bikes at the sport centre... so now I can cycle while I watch TV to help burn off this fat and firm up my legs and bum and I've got some seated aerobics videos coming for me to have fun with too plus I'm really getting into the strength training again... I can see the muscles developing in my arms. And even though I don't do a lot of walking I still got a pedometer cos I want to see just how far I do walk. :D

I want to be able to learn to salsa when I can walk better, plus go to aquafit a couple of times a week and I'm trying to find out what it takes to qualify as a seated aerobics instructor. Two or three classes a week would help keep me fit as well as help other people, and I'd be doing my bit for the community.

And you, dear lady, are quite an inspiration. Your fortitude and will power are amazing. I wish you the best of luck and I expect a video of your first salsa lesson on youtube. :bgtup: