Sup OTC. Can I get some updates?

Uh oh. What color is your hair? :scared: ;)

I have a new goal in life too. My new year's resolution... To try not to invest time or emotion in negativity. Whether it be my own or someone else's. It's worked pretty well so far. :)

So what's the job about, can you see yourself staying there for a long time?

My hair is red :D I think I posted a pic around here somewhere...I'll post it again when I get home from work this evening.

That is a very good goal in life, I like it.

The job is in consulting. Building envelope consulting mostly. We do restoration on existing buildings, investigations, specifications, construction review and contract administration. It's a good gig, I think I'll stay forever (or atleast until I retire)
Hey sweetie!! I missed ya. :huggy:

Obviously, losing a parent is got to be hard on her but I'm SO glad they're together! I'm not sure what you mean about immigration though, you want to PM me?

I'm at work right now. Later, m'kay?
I can't remember the last time I heard someone say that - that they want to retire at a job. It's refreshing. So many people around my parts (me included) are so transient, looking for the bigger better thing.

Red is an excellent choice. ;)
That's always good! Last I heard you and the missus were picking up the pieces of the house, and your record collection. I hope everything is coming along there. :) Got a new cornfield yet?

We finally got moved into the Rebel Roost v2.0, and all is well on that front. I'm rebuilding the music collection, I guess I'm a little over halfway done now. Been moonlighting to earn some extra bucks for that and medical bills. We plan to have a garden this year for the first time in 2 or 3 years. What used to be the garden spot is now the front yard, and what used to be the front yard will become the garden spot. You still orchidlicious? We haven't made tons of progress on the landscaping because I spent most of the summer and fall either in the hospital or recovering from it, so that task awaits us this year. Got another project or three in the wings too. No end to the stuff that needs doing it seems.
Tons, actually. Just not uploading them to my site enough!! Now that I live in a semi-rural area, I've got all sorts of critters in my yard. We actually had a rabbit come through the other day which isn't so great. I have major plans for the garden and that rabbit could ruin it all. So once the fence is replaced, I'm getting me some chicken wire for the perimeter. Unless someone wants to come over and help me make rabbit stew. :D

I've got a beaver that showed up about 3 days ago that I'm working on a plan for too.
It's illegal to kill um here, still, I think, but they do have a way of disappearing. ;)

I don't need him cutting down the green here. I'm keeping a close eye on my redwood. (right by the lake)
I think I'll go out and put some wire back around it today.
are they!?
never thought of eating one.
some around here love the turtle, but I can bring myself to try it.

With me when I'm around something all the time, I have trouble eating it.
I couldn't eat chicken for a year after leaving the plant.

I don't eat fish now.:alienhuh:
I used to love it.
We finally got moved into the Rebel Roost v2.0, and all is well on that front. I'm rebuilding the music collection, I guess I'm a little over halfway done now. Been moonlighting to earn some extra bucks for that and medical bills. We plan to have a garden this year for the first time in 2 or 3 years. What used to be the garden spot is now the front yard, and what used to be the front yard will become the garden spot. You still orchidlicious? We haven't made tons of progress on the landscaping because I spent most of the summer and fall either in the hospital or recovering from it, so that task awaits us this year. Got another project or three in the wings too. No end to the stuff that needs doing it seems.

Ohh man, sorry to hear that your health is not cooperating. I was hoping to hear something better! You must be looking forward to spring though. Don't you have to let soil rest for a while when you grow corn? I heard that it's really hard on the ground & nutrients. Do you compost?

Yes, I'm still going with the orchids. I've change the kinds that I grow, my taste has turned to the weird and funky looking ones. I have one that's called the "dracula orchid" if that gives you an idea.
Cat, if you do put in chicken wire, I read that you should bury it at least 6 inches deep and bend it at the bottom so it's an L shape. With the bottom facing away from whatever you're protecting. Luckily, I have a fenced in yard, so I don't have to worry about them jumping over. Just digging under.

Rusty thinks they're taunting me. I'm an animal lover. I just love eating them too. ;)
eh they are skittish with the house here anyway, just something of high
visibility works most of the time.
A little cow manure helps too.:p
Ohh man, sorry to hear that your health is not cooperating. I was hoping to hear something better! You must be looking forward to spring though. Don't you have to let soil rest for a while when you grow corn? I heard that it's really hard on the ground & nutrients. Do you compost?

Yes, I'm still going with the orchids. I've change the kinds that I grow, my taste has turned to the weird and funky looking ones. I have one that's called the "dracula orchid" if that gives you an idea.

The major health stuff seems to have been resolved finally, just working on the residuals now.

Any soil you work needs rest. Crop rotation is serious, but a garden doesn't usually do as much damage as say a dedicated corn field. I'm not doing anything near that involved, just raisin a little bit to feed us and maybe sell the surplus if there is any. I got 3 1/2 acres...if I need to move the garden every few years I got plenty of room.

I do limited composting. I'd do more, but the wind blows all our leaves off, which is not entirely a bad thing cuz that way I ain't gotta rake 'em in the first place. We're blessed with loose, dark soil that also has a fair amount of sand in it so most anything will grow on it.

Dracula orchids...sounds fascinating. I'll assume you don't give 'em holy water...
A bit over two years ago I got my MSc EE degree and started teaching Discrete Mathematics at the same institution. It was a 4 hours per week only but later it proved to be for the best. Short after I got a full time job at the faculty, and just a couple of months ago I got a permanent contract. Having a permanent contract has a lot of advantages, basically every year I'll be able to apply for a better income (provided that I have the needed qualifications), sabbatical every five years and retirement after 25 years. It is only 40 hours per week, monday thru friday from 9am to 5pm. No lunch hour, so I get home really hungry.

Last year I got married on October 20th. We had close to 300 guests at the ceremony/party. We had our honeymoon in Huatulco, Oaxaca. Currently I'm living a bit farther away than I used to be, no internet, no telephone and no cable. But not that I miss any of those, I have Lisette and that's all I need. She's from the neighbour state of Jalisco and really likes it here in Morelia.

I'm still a photograph aficionado, I rarely carry the camera everywhere but I still enjoy taking pictures. I got a DSC-H5 which is far better than the old one, but still far from the professional level.

It's great to see you greenfreak!
The major health stuff seems to have been resolved finally, just working on the residuals now.

Any soil you work needs rest. Crop rotation is serious, but a garden doesn't usually do as much damage as say a dedicated corn field. I'm not doing anything near that involved, just raisin a little bit to feed us and maybe sell the surplus if there is any. I got 3 1/2 acres...if I need to move the garden every few years I got plenty of room.

I do limited composting. I'd do more, but the wind blows all our leaves off, which is not entirely a bad thing cuz that way I ain't gotta rake 'em in the first place. We're blessed with loose, dark soil that also has a fair amount of sand in it so most anything will grow on it.

Dracula orchids...sounds fascinating. I'll assume you don't give 'em holy water...

Ohh man... To have 3 1/2 acres... Maybe our next house. We're only staying in this one for 10 years or less - it's too small to be anything other than a starter home. But it's enough room for me. I was gardening in beachy sandy dirt in full sun. To have shade, to have TREES has me excited.

Check out TerraCycle btw, they're based out of NJ but don't hold that against them. They're making worm casting compost that I've heard is great from other gardeners. I'm taking some classes in April on composting, veggie gardening etc. and might be going for a Master Gardener program. Depends on the time and finances involved. Then I'll be able to teach if I want to go that route.

I'm glad you don't have clay. I feel so bad when I see landscaping shows and they have to JACKHAMMER the soil! :lol: I mean, damn. Just, damn. I just had to have a cesspool put in (don't ask) and found out I have a pretty damn good soil/sand mixture myself. Happy day!

Do you get a lot of buggies and diseases and such with your veggies? I keep hearing about all these pests and things, and wondering how much of that I'll have to deal with.
A bit over two years ago I got my MSc EE degree and started teaching Discrete Mathematics at the same institution. It was a 4 hours per week only but later it proved to be for the best. Short after I got a full time job at the faculty, and just a couple of months ago I got a permanent contract. Having a permanent contract has a lot of advantages, basically every year I'll be able to apply for a better income (provided that I have the needed qualifications), sabbatical every five years and retirement after 25 years. It is only 40 hours per week, monday thru friday from 9am to 5pm. No lunch hour, so I get home really hungry.

Last year I got married on October 20th. We had close to 300 guests at the ceremony/party. We had our honeymoon in Huatulco, Oaxaca. Currently I'm living a bit farther away than I used to be, no internet, no telephone and no cable. But not that I miss any of those, I have Lisette and that's all I need. She's from the neighbour state of Jalisco and really likes it here in Morelia.

I'm still a photograph aficionado, I rarely carry the camera everywhere but I still enjoy taking pictures. I got a DSC-H5 which is far better than the old one, but still far from the professional level.

It's great to see you greenfreak!

Holy crap CONGRATULATIONS!! :banana: Wow, you're a married man now huh!? You work quick! Much quicker than I, at least. Your job sounds great, althouh you sound tired! lol

Do you have pictures online anywhere - of the wedding, or anything that you take? I'd love to see them. I bet you looked smashing.

Geez, who else got married while I was gone?