A bit over two years ago I got my MSc EE degree and started teaching Discrete Mathematics at the same institution. It was a 4 hours per week only but later it proved to be for the best. Short after I got a full time job at the faculty, and just a couple of months ago I got a permanent contract. Having a permanent contract has a lot of advantages, basically every year I'll be able to apply for a better income (provided that I have the needed qualifications), sabbatical every five years and retirement after 25 years. It is only 40 hours per week, monday thru friday from 9am to 5pm. No lunch hour, so I get home really hungry.
Last year I got married on October 20th. We had close to 300 guests at the ceremony/party. We had our honeymoon in Huatulco, Oaxaca. Currently I'm living a bit farther away than I used to be, no internet, no telephone and no cable. But not that I miss any of those, I have Lisette and that's all I need. She's from the neighbour state of Jalisco and really likes it here in Morelia.
I'm still a photograph aficionado, I rarely carry the camera everywhere but I still enjoy taking pictures. I got a DSC-H5 which is far better than the old one, but still far from the professional level.
It's great to see you greenfreak!