Party of Corruption...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Yet another Democrat caught with his pants down...

New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer has apologised amid allegations of involvement in a prostitution ring.
The married father-of-three said he had acted in a way that violated his obligations to his family.

Gov Spitzer, a Democrat, apologised to his family and the public, whom he said he should have served better.
He made no reference to allegations published by The New York Times, which said he had been involved with a high-priced prostitution service.

"I have disappointed and failed to live up to the standard I expected of myself," the first-term governor told a packed press conference at his Manhattan office.

How much you wanna bet he won't step down? Before anyone says anything...remember...He wouldn't be the first to be caught flaunting laws he should be upholding...
Piss off the guys on Wall Street & they will come back to haunt you.
Yea, with all the arrests of Republicans for sex and drugs it's pretty funny that you want to generalize a party of corruption all the sudden with this incident.


Do you need reminders? Did you block out all the Republican sex scandals or something?

This guy got a standing ovation for something similar.
He's a super delegate committed to Klinton. Ain't no way she'll let anything happen to him until she gets his vote recorded. Then they might kill him. Just ask Vince Foster.

Oh, that's can't ask him.
I am suprised that republican like them.
The one-eyed monster strikes again. Men are such stupid idiots to let the penisaurus rise up to rule their lives and eventually ruin them. Spitzer is but one more in a long line of such stupid men.
I was going to make a lesser tasteful joke about the replacement, but
I'll play PC, and digress.

Now, now. What he does in his own time, as long as it doesn't effect the performance of his sworn duties, is his own damn business. What's wrong with a person having sex? When did that become illegal? After all, if it's OK for a President to have sexual relations outside his marriage, then it should be OK for anyone. As long as it doesn't taint the definition of the word "is" that is.

I wonder if his poor wife will take a cue from Hillary and "stand by your man" no matter how much he denigrates her in public?
What he does in his own time, as long as it doesn't effect the performance of his sworn duties, is his own damn business. What's wrong with a person having sex? When did that become illegal?

Good point.

It's really just the prostitution part that's illegal. Otherwise who cares.
Good point.

It's really just the prostitution part that's illegal. Otherwise who cares.

After all, screwing around was OK for Slick, so what's the big dealio????

So what if it's identity theft:

BOSTON (Reuters) - George Fox, a friend and campaign contributor of New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, said on Tuesday he was disappointed and distressed by a report that said Spitzer used his name as an alias when contacting a prostitution ring.
Otherwise who cares.

Go to a prostitute & fulfill the bargain.

Go home & announce it to your family-especially your spouse.

Next, encourage your daughter to sell herself & any dignity she had.

Go ahead, I'll wait.
Good point.

It's really just the prostitution part that's illegal. Otherwise who cares.

Considering that Spitzer has prosecuted hundreds of the very people he has now been accused of consorting with, this rises to a new level of hypocrisy.

The name "Emperors Club" is so apropos because these politicians truly consider themselves to be our emperors.

Spitzer Got Tripped Up Laws He Enforced

Mar 11 04:59 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writers

NEW YORK (AP) - Eliot Spitzer knew how to catch bad guys by following the money.

As attorney general, he once broke up a call-girl ring and locked up 18 people on corruption, money-laundering and prostitution charges. He ruthlessly investigated the pay packages of Wall Street executives and was so familiar with shady financial maneuvers that he rose to become the top racketeering prosecutor in Manhattan.

But in the end, it appears that Spitzer may have been done in by the same behavior he built a career out of prosecuting.

In fact, it seems he was tripped up by some of the very financial accounting methods he used so successfully against multibillion-dollar Wall Street firms.

For one thing, the governor initially drew the attention of federal investigators because of cash payments to an account operated by a call-girl ring, according to a law enforcement official who spoke on condition of because of the sensitivity of the case.

Banks are required to file Suspicious Activity Reports to the government whenever they observe something they fear may be a crime.
