After all, screwing around was OK for Slick, so what's the big dealio????
Go to a prostitute & fulfill the bargain.
Go home & announce it to your family-especially your spouse.
Next, encourage your daughter to sell herself & any dignity she had.
Go ahead, I'll wait.
Considering that Spitzer has prosecuted hundreds of the very people he has now been accused of consorting with, this rises to a new level of hypocrisy.
Yep, like when those anti-gay republicans turned out to be gay or the ....Mark Foley thing.
No one is denying that the Foley scandal was hypocrisy.
Are you denying that the Spitzer scandal is hypocrisy?
Foley never sent people to jail for doing exactly what he was doing.
No, I already agreed with you. Read the post.
In the crusade against child abuse and exploitation nobody ever goes to jail?
Foley never prosecuted anyone. Spitzer has.
There were never allegations of Foley having had sex with underage boys. He did have sexual liasons with two former pages who were 18 and 21 at the time. All he ever did with the pages who were under 18 was write e-mails. He was never charged with any crime.
Nobody was prosecuted in Foley's campaign?
Yes, he just tried to have sex with underage boys but it didn't work out.
What's your point anyway?
Not to my knowledge; and if there were I'm sure you would have already brought it to the fore.
His legislation changed sex offender laws. I would imagine they prosecute that type of thing.
You are the one who brought Foley into the discussion. It is you who should be clarifying your point, not me.
My point was right there in the post, but I'll clarify. The hypocrisy is similar.
Now what point are you trying to make?
Interesting. Was "hypocrisy" your Word of the Day today?
Foley may have proposed, sponsored, and supported changes in the laws but HE HAS NEVER PROSECUTED ANYONE AS SPITZER HAS!
Besides, while Foley was a rep from FL, where the legal age of consent is EIGHTEEN, the conduct occurred in DC where the legal age of consent is SIXTEEN.
So Foley did not commit any crime and that was why he was never indicted -- something that Elliot Spitzer cannot say. He merely resigned in disgrace -- something that Elliot Spitzer can relate to.
I also noted that you raised the question "Nobody was prosecuted in Foley's campaign?". Just what were you trying to say or do with that statement? What would members of his campaign staff -- you know, the ones who get a politician elected by running their campaign -- have to do with a sitting legislator engaging in bad conduct?
Were you just trying to create a diversion? One usually does that when one realizes they are losing the debate.
You were the one to bring it up in this thread right?
What is your point here. I know I asked before.
Besides, while Foley was a rep from FL, where the legal age of consent is EIGHTEEN, the conduct occurred in DC where the legal age of consent is SIXTEEN.
So Foley did not commit any crime and that was why he was never indicted -- something that Elliot Spitzer cannot say. He merely resigned in disgrace -- something that Elliot Spitzer can relate to.
Did you actually think that nobody was convicted on child exploitation or under the laws that Foley proposed?
Nope you completely misread apparently.
Losing what? You haven't even made a point yet.
Sorry. I forgot that everyone has but one job for their entire lifetime. Foley was never a prosecutor either before or after he held public office. Spitzer WAS a prosecutor and ACTIVELY prosecuted people for the very crimes he is now accused of committing. In other words, "A pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess." just like the dictionary says.
You can say that Foley was a hypocrite because he espoused laws agsinst the very type of person that he, himself, was; but he did not ACTIVELY prosecute people and throw them in jail NOR DID HE EVER COMMIT AN OVERT CRIMINAL ACT.
I guess you missed it so I will repeat it:
There is a vast difference between bad behavior and felonious behavior.
I never said that. What I said was that Foley never ACTIVELY prosecuted anyone as Spitzer has done. Spitzer was acting to not only enforce the laws as enacted but he also prosecuted people under those same laws and then committed crimes against those same laws.
Why did you use the word "campaign"? You posted it right HERE in yopur own words under your own avatar and handle.
I don't know how anyone could possibly "misread" that.
At least Spitzer knew how to pick a decent looking whore.
So your saying you find soliciting minors for gay sex more acceptable than paid sex between consenting adults. That's your whole point? Glad i waited for that one.
Foley led a campaign against child porn, child abuse, and exploitation among other things.
So your saying you find soliciting minors for gay sex more acceptable than paid sex between consenting adults. Right?
If not maybe you could just state your point already.