Kiddies' spinoff of thread 'Hasta la Vista'

Re: Hasta la Vista

Why don't those who aren't happy with the status quo use the "ignore button?" Wouldn't be like the good ol' days?

I think the point being that all this political bullshit has destroyed the board.

It used to be fun with the most posts happening in the lunatic lounge, now the RW posts are so spiteful people don't think of this place as fun anymore.
Re: Hasta la Vista

I am just hoping all the crap dies down after the US election is over (but I know it is too much to ask)
Re: Hasta la Vista

No, Cerise, it wouldn't be the same. In the old days, people were intelligent and civil, even when they differed in opinion. When is the last time you had a civil word with Spike, on anything? Any topic at all?
Re: Hasta la Vista


Dyed-in-the-wool liberals saying "there goes the neighborhood."

I thought the credo was tolerance, acceptance, and general compassion.
Re: Hasta la Vista

You mean by pointing out the "there goes the neighborhood" frame of mind?

And the irony of it?
Re: Hasta la Vista


Dyed-in-the-wool liberals saying "there goes the neighborhood."

I thought the credo was tolerance, acceptance, and general compassion.

And you just cemented your place in the history of OTC as the most clueless poster on the roster.
Thanks for playing.
Re: Hasta la Vista

I'm happy you've found some joy and pleasure and perhaps, even a little fun in this otherwise "dank, dusky hole of dispair" also known as "not the place you used to know." And I am further pleased to know that I was the one that provided it to you. :rolleyes:
Re: Hasta la Vista

While I am happy to have found a little fun and joy in one of your posts (for a change) even though you didn't intend it. Bish seems to have gotten a good chuckle from you as well. And in the bargain, we've almost managed to turn the topic off itself, nearly making the trifecta.
Re: Hasta la Vista

Please keep in mind that I'm not laughing at Prof's political leanings, but how easily he seems to have been brushed with the same brush as the rest of us.

It's the obliviousness matched with how quickly said brush is applied that merits my mirth. If you could see me now, you'd see my head shaking slowly back and forth... tsk tsk..she doesn't get it.

PT's departure is a neon sign to the old crowd. "Something's wrong", much like Squiggy's leaving was, or Unc's sudden drop off the radar, or Prof's 'break', or Leslie's 'break' for that matter.

That you fail to see the sign doesn't make it not exist. You have much to learn and only 13,000 posts to do it in..
Re: Hasta la Vista

Too many elections... not enough bullets..and people are wasting their ammo now.
Thread spinoff - Hasta la Vista

Why doesn't the ignore feature doesn't solve the problem?
Re: Hasta la Vista

Because it does nothing to change the tone of what this board has become.

But how would you know what the "tone of the board" is if you can't read a person's comments?

You mean it's just the thought of knowing that "those people" are out there?
Re: Hasta la Vista

Why doesn't the ignore feature doesn't solve the problem?

Maybe because you're trying to use it as a crutch so you and Spike and Jim and on and on can just sit there with your fucking bullshit all fucking day long, accomplishing fucking shit and annoying the shit out of the rest of us. Instead, we'll see nothing but "message blocked because 'XXXXX' is on your ignore list" 50,000,000,000 fucking times and nothing else in any thread anywhere. All we've had here is you people dumping shit out of your mouths over and over and over again. Your suggestion is no better than people building luxury high-rise condos next to an airport and then bitching over and over and over again until the airport, which was there first, gets shut down. You're asking someone like me, who has six years at this board and 8 1/2 years with the core members here dating back to Hardware Central and, to have to make changes to accommodate you and the other newcomers. Fuck that.

On a side note... you haven't changed Spike's mind about any single fucking thing, and he hasn't changed yours or jim's, etc. Maybe it's time for all of you to weigh the cost-benefit ratio. I did so, if you'll notice I don't engage anyone in debates in the RW forum anymore. Even a rat eventually learns that pressing the button and getting zapped with 5,000 volts sucks and will eventually stop doing it.