Israelis not waiting for U.S. approval

Hmmm...I wonder who's airspace they're going to violate in order to get TO Iran.

Syria and Iraq perhaps?
Jordan and Iraq?
Jordan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia?
Syria and Turkey?

By the time they detect their presence over their airspace the Israelis will be on their way home.
... this is when i learned that dating across class lines often turns out to be troublesome, in that the two folks may not share basic assumptions about the way things is, and, just as importantly, the way things could be.

Who, if I may be so bold, was the Dumpee?
Barack Hussein Obama would let the Israelis die in a gigantic fireball before he would do something to defeat our enemies.

Israel either acts preemptively or reciprocally after an Iranian nuclear device is detonated on their soil.
Oh, sorry. I meant to say Obama will bring global peace and prosperity to all with his encompassing vision and altruistic character. :rolleyes:
yep it was a grand dupe and we're all just that dumb... yawn.

If you voted for either party, instead of your conscience, I'd say that you were dumb. Voting for "the lesser of two evils" is still voting for evil.

Anyway...Israel is a sovereign nation and does not need our permission to do anything. They need our weapons systems, to some extent, but they have proven quite resourceful in building their own...The only problem in their attack would be the world thinking they needed our permission to do so.
Oh, sorry. I meant to say Obama will bring global peace and prosperity to all with his encompassing vision and altruistic character. :rolleyes:

Thanks for reminding me...

ALEX WITT: You know, John, and it's interesting because there are many who had such an optimstic and hopeful opinion of things, and you certainly can't expect things to change [snaps fingers] on a dime overnight, but there are many who suggested that with the outgoing Bush administration and the incoming Obama administration there would be something of a lull in terrorism attacks. There had been such a global outpouring of affection, respect, hope, with the new administration coming in, that precisely these kinds of attacks, it was thought -- at least hoped -- would be dampered down. But in this case it looks like Barack Obama is getting a preview of things to come.

The King, The King, love live the King....
Watch this woman pee herself in glee
So... take it you guys are all chuffed to bits that Captain Hope and his er.. shield of Hope is here ...

Obe-one yes we can, the altruistic Messiah?

I can imagine Gonz almost dancing in the streets - :brow2:
i just love all these threads that dredge up masturbatory violence and war fantasies.

"you go get 'em israel! you bomb 'em good."

it's one thing to understand that such things are necessary.

it's another to get off on them.

i once asked one of my old girlfriends what she thought american culture was all about.

her immediate, accurate, and largely unfortunate response was

"war... football... and boobs."

notice how the middle one forms a near perfect bridge between the other two.



Nice blonde :)

Well... not bad anyway ;)
Thanks for reminding me...

"A preview of things to come?" Wait just a minute -- you mean radical Islam doesn't care who is PoTUS? Platitudes like "hope" "change" and "heal" don't mean anything to a group of people who chant "Death to America?" Quick -- somebody tell Barry that!

Terrorists yield to force and strength, not pretty rainbows.

Of course, the Obamination didn't run on a platform to stop terrorist violence...he ran on the platform to stop American "violence" AKA The Iraq war. You know, the one that has kept the terrorists overseas for the past 8 years and not in our back yards.

Now the change you voted for will come.