Terrorists Torch Wasilla Bible Church


Well-Known Member
Accelerant poured around Palin's church

WASILLA -- Whoever torched Gov. Sarah Palin's home church tried to start fires in several places around the building, the federal agency assisting in the investigation said Monday.

Accelerants were found in multiple locations on the outside of Wasilla Bible Church, including around entrances and exits, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Five church members were inside when the blaze started but they were able to get out safely after the fire alarm sounded.


That is felony arson and attempted murder, as well as a hate crime.
I'm wondering if it's the church itself or Palin's involvment that brought on this 'wrath'.

I hope they catch the perp(s) too... a pyro is not a nice neighbour to have.
I'm wondering if it's the church itself or Palin's involvment that brought on this 'wrath'.

I hope they catch the perp(s) too... a pyro is not a nice neighbour to have.

I don't like Palin, or that church. Setting fire to it (or her) is going to far.
The silence is deafening.

Shall we see what happnens when Rev Wrights church gets torched?
This happend right after other politions take the news, she cannot escape the media, but i hope they do catch the crooks who did this.
The silence is deafening.

Shall we see what happnens when Rev Wrights church gets torched?

Your point?

It is in the media.

It's not being covered up.

I am not going to torch anything, if you want to, go right ahead.
The silence is deafening.

What silence are you experiencing that the rest of us aren't exactly? Are you losing your hearing?

Surely you're not referring to the thousands of articles about it. Because that would be the opposite of silence.

Shall we see what happnens when Rev Wrights church gets torched?

I'd imagine there would be thousands of articles about that one too.

Of course you're at odds with Cerise about this being a "hate crime" right?
Looks to me like someone with a personal axe to grind. I'm betting we find out it has nothing to do with Gov. Palin or the holy rollers.
Your point?

It is in the media.

It's not being covered up.

his point was is that it's just so unfair how this isn't getting nearly as much coverage as the illinois governor nonsense. because in covering the latter in the detail they have, the media is again showing it's rabid liberal bias.

it's all so unfair.

this petty arson, er, TERRORISM, oh it's so disturbing. golly, everyone should be screaming from the rooftops! gawd knows no one's ever torched a church on US soil before...
Thought you might disagree with Cerise about that.

Any comment on this imagined deafening silence you're experiencing?
Other than the fact thiat's it's an "also ran" story? Since it's a popluar consrevative Governeorts chuch, it's no big deal. Had it been the mesiahs, it'd be headlines for weeks.
Other than the fact thiat's it's an "also ran" story?

Palin just so happens to be an "also ran". :laugh:

Yet there's thousands of articles on it. Which kinda blows this fantasy of yours that's "it's no big deal".

Probably still a lot more coverage than it would get if it were the governor of Idaho's church. But somehow "thousands of articles" = "deafening silence".
Other than the fact thiat's it's an "also ran" story? Since it's a popluar consrevative Governeorts chuch, it's no big deal. Had it been the mesiahs, it'd be headlines for weeks.

It is an also ran story and it's getting much more attention than it deserves.
Thousands of articles... how many of them are the same AP article picked up by every place that has a subscription to the AP wire?