Pathetic "Comedian" Fixates On Sex With Teen Girl, Audience Delighted


Well-Known Member
Dirty old man fantasizes about teenage girl getting raped. Perv.

Palin was in NYC at the Yankee game with her 14-yr. old daughter, Willow and
Letterman couldn't resist the power of his PDS:

"One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked-up by Alex Rodriguez."

“Sarah Palin was in New York this week, the hardest part was keeping Eliot Spitzer away from her daughter.”

"2. Bought makeup from Bloomingdale's to update her "slutty flight attendant" look"

Men having sex with a young girl 1/4 of their age! Oh it's sooooooo funny. :rolleyes:

Palin's "slutty flight attendant look" ---- yet another example of how the media love to focus on a female politician's appearance, especially as it relates to her sexual appeal to men.

Liberal males are sissies. And strong women underscore that point. Palin's persona outs them for the girlie men they are.

The Palin family response?

"Laughter incited by sexually perverted comments made by a 62-year-old male celebrity aimed at a 14-year-old girl is ... disgusting....."

"Nice attempt by Letterman to draw the heat away from himself; however, Willow was the only one at the Yankees game and the only Palin child included in the photo opportunities with the Giulianis, as was obvious. Regardless of which Palin daughter it was, Bristol, Willow or Piper, these sexually-perverted comments are outside the acceptance of mainstream America."

Mark Levin's opinion nails it.

The question remains:

Should Letterman be given the same treatment as Imus? about spinning a story FAR beyond anything normally seen.

It was a joke...a stupid and insensitive joke, but just a joke.

It wasn't an indication about Male fantasies about rape, or anything you should be using to smear liberal-minded thinkers.

RAPE!!!!! AGAIN AND AGAIN!!! ALL WE WANNA DO IS RAPE THEM IMMACULATE LIL CONSERVATIVE already been teenage preggers already know hows to cook meth GIRLS!!!!

OMG the DRAMA!!!

golly cerise how many times can you cry RAPE!!!!???!!!
Funny, I thought he was talking about the older Plain daughter getting knocked up again consensually.
I saw the bit ... thought it was hilarious. Yep... 18 year old getting knocked up, yet again... too bad he didn't throw in "after practicing abstinence, found her self pregnant, yet again...." I think that would have been even funnier. :lol:

No body except Palin herself thought the joke referred to her younger, underage daughter... hmmmm... makes you wonder what sort of sick, pervi-ness is running through her demented mind. :disgust2: That's one sick bitch.
Also, this is the first I've heard of a second pregnancy for Palin's older daughter and a quick search at Google news turns up nothing. anyone got a link?
Also, this is the first I've heard of a second pregnancy for Palin's older daughter and a quick search at Google news turns up nothing. anyone got a link?
I believe that you will find the accusations that the Mrs Palin's last child (boy) was attributed to Bristol instead of her mother..making the boy Bristol's son, and not her brother.

We argued that one out on here.
Dirty old man fantasizes about teenage girl getting raped. Perv.

Palin was in NYC at the Yankee game with her 14-yr. old daughter, Willow and
Letterman couldn't resist the power of his PDS:

Men having sex with a young girl 1/4 of their age! Oh it's sooooooo funny. :rolleyes:

Palin's "slutty flight attendant look" ---- yet another example of how the media love to focus on a female politician's appearance, especially as it relates to her sexual appeal to men.

Liberal males are sissies. And strong women underscore that point. Palin's persona outs them for the girlie men they are.

The Palin family response?

Mark Levin's opinion nails it.

The question remains:

Should Letterman be given the same treatment as Imus?

Wow you sure do live in a very bizarre paranoid fantasy land!
I saw the bit ... thought it was hilarious.

You know what would be more high-larious?? If someone 4 times their age suggested a baseball player and a former governor had sexual relations with the 0bama girls. That would be way too funny. Wouldn't it? Do you think that joke would clear the network censors?

No body except Palin herself thought the joke referred to her younger, underage daughter... hmmmm... makes you wonder what sort of sick, pervi-ness is running through her demented mind. :disgust2: That's one sick bitch.

I dunno: what do ya think??

The 14 yr. old was the only Palin child at the Yankees game. The "joke" referenced they were in NYC and that they were in attendance at the game.

Can you explain why you feel it is remotely possible that Letterslut was indicating another daughter??

Hey...I got one.

How will Sasha Obama know when her sister has her first period.......Her dad's dick will taste funny!! :rofl2::rofl2:

Did you hear about the furry hat Obama bought in France......He's putting together a pimp outfit for the next time he takes the first HO walking on broadway!!:rofl2::rofl2:

I hear Barak is having closed door sessions with Barney Frank.....They are cramming for their next aids test!!:rofl2::rofl2:

What?......It's all in good jest right?*punch*
Hey...I got one.

How will Sasha Obama know when her sister has her first period.......Her dad's dick will taste funny!! :rofl2::rofl2:

Did you hear about the furry hat Obama bought in France......He's putting together a pimp outfit for the next time he takes the first HO walking on broadway!!:rofl2::rofl2:

I hear Barak is having closed door sessions with Barney Frank.....They are cramming for their next aids test!!:rofl2::rofl2:

What?......It's all in good jest right?*punch*

ha ha dick tastes funny that's some good shit there maynard! git off pa, yer crushin my smokes!!!

yeah it would be even funnier if the obama girls actually had a history of getting fucked while underage unless the careless watch of mama-bama!
wtf? the joke doesn't even make sense. everyone knows that A-Rod is so juiced up on steriods that he's shooting blanks.