When momma says

Well, good for you getting so much out of the Taurus. My dad had one (traded it in for the Maxima) and it was nothing but trouble. Had all sorts of problems, and it was only 2-3 years old.

I read the review of the '10 Taurus in the newspaper... $33-38K?! WTF? That's pricier than the new Maxima... with less gas mileage, and less horsepower.
yeah, but the truly american thing to do is reward the most competitive company with your patronage, rather than do what the UAW wants you to do.
The Maxima is made in Tennessee, so I don't see the problem.

There are lots of Americans working for a car company whose finaces are (in this case Japanese).

Both sides can be argued.
Americans are working.
The money being made is being sent overseas to a competitor.
If I set the cruise for 70-71 mph, now that I just changed the transmission fluid and spark plugs and wires, I've found I'm getting 31.5 to 32.5 miles per gallon in the 2002 Malibu on a trip.
that's pretty good. You get the four-banger or the V6?

I was able to squeeze out 32mpg last week on a 170 mile highway trip. That's with the windows closed and the AC off, which gets a little sticky in the summer, because vents don't help much when they're sucking in hot air a few inches above asphalt.
3.1L V6, A/C on, and we have actual hills in California. The 32.5 MPG was achieved in a trip down (255 miles) that included stop-and-stop-some-more traffic in Santa Barbara (yay for a construction project that will last until 2012 and just move the bottleneck east a couple of miles).
(yay for a construction project that will last until 2012 and just move the bottleneck east a couple of miles).

Here in Wichita we've perfected and patented that process. Replace 2012 with ???? and you've got us.
It occured to me today...

not only did we get a new car without Obamas help, we got one that is bigger & gets less MPG than the previous.

I'm so proud.
There are lots of Americans working for a car company whose finaces are (in this case Japanese).

Both sides can be argued.
Americans are working.
The money being made is being sent overseas to a competitor.

So what's better...a Honda made in Ohio or a Ford made in Mexico?
It occured to me today...

not only did we get a new car without Obamas help, we got one that is bigger & gets less MPG than the previous.

I'm so proud.

You're obviously not taking the ecofriendly mantra seriously.
I live very eco-friendly.

I just don't buy the hype about humans destroying the earth & have no guilt.