One wonders...

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I have a very good working relationship with Al Qaida. Their ultimate dream is to die for Allah and it has been my great privilege to make that dream come true for several of them. :bgtup: Sort of a "Make a Wish" program for terrorists.:swing:
I have a very good working relationship with Al Qaida. Their ultimate dream is to die for Allah and it has been my great privilege to make that dream come true for several of them. :bgtup: Sort of a "Make a Wish" program for terrorists.:swing:
Humanitarian service work does have its rewards.
What exactly does the displeasure of our President & his policies, have to do with Obama (presumably us) falling to a Muslim nation?
Displeasure? :rofl4:

The inference was obvious and the disingenuousness is indicative (but hardly unexpected).
Displeasure? :rofl4:

The inference was obvious and the disingenuousness is indicative (but hardly unexpected).

Well the OP was somewhat silly. Al Quaeda just hates us period. They hate Obama for new reasons perhaps, but what does that have to do with the domestic opinion of the current administration?
Sort of a "Make a Wish" program for terrorists.:swing:


Muslims love 0bama.

It is up to "We the people" to decide when 0bama goes, not AQ. :shrug:

And that day is getting closer.

Yes and Al Quaeda hates Obama because normal reasonable Muslims we need to deal with like Obama, Much better than the previous regime when it comes to getting anything done.
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