Geckos don't like Glenn Beck

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Many if not most liberals in the US are christian.

However the quote "the church had, for 1,000 years, "extinguished the torch of progress in the blood of Christ." is very true. So many years of progress lost to fundie religious crap.


You can't just keep saying shit you wish was true.

Liberals are anti-Christian

......some people have gotten the false idea that liberals are pro-atheist, but this is not the case. Liberals are merely anti-Christian because it’s the most powerful religion.

Liberals will often take positions just to spite Christianity and for no other reason.

But liberals are pro-Islam, and they are even calling people who are anti-Islam racist, racism being the most evil of all things in the liberal lexicon. Liberals are pro-Islam because they see Islam as the underdog religion compared to the world-dominant Christianity. Liberals have no philosophy of free thinking, it’s merely about supporting underdog religious philosophies regardless of their virtues or vices.

The root-for-the-underdog mentality of liberals is also seen in their attitude towards Israel. But after Jews demonstrated their ability to kick ass in warfare, and after Israel’s great economic success in comparison to neighboring Muslim countries, Israel and the Jews became privileged in comparison to the underprivileged and underdog Palestinians and Muslims. Now liberals no longer support Israel.
Americans like Glenn Beck

At the end of the day, Mr Beck is still making boat loads of cash.
Just like Hannity, Coulter & Savage.
You can't just keep saying shit you wish was true.

Yeah, I know. That guy probably wishes liberal were anti-christian but it's weird how he ignores that most US liberals are actually christian.

Religion has set mankind back quite a lot though.
Yeah, I know. That guy probably wishes liberal were anti-christian but it's weird how he ignores that most US liberals are actually christian.

Religion has set mankind back quite a lot though.

There are liberals that are quite normal people I can accept and respect. Then there's the progressive commie religion hating liberal piece of shit that was abused by a relative as a young man.

You fall in the latter.
There are liberals that are quite normal people I can accept and respect. Then there's the progressive commie religion hating liberal piece of shit that was abused by a relative as a young man.

You fall in the latter.

Interesting trolling personal attack. I guess once again you have nothing intelligent to say. :laugh:

Damn you go down quick.
not All, but some sure enough.
The moral compass involved in religion has served humanity well in our social development. (also some pretty horrific events as well).

The goals of the insane liberals to remove any religous morality will be a key event in destruction of freedom.
The individual in question is under ethics investigation
for colluding with known Muslim terrorist organizations
but facts don’t matter. Back to your mindless drivel.
The moral compass involved in religion has served humanity well in our social development. (also some pretty horrific events as well).

The goals of the insane liberals to remove any religous morality will be a key event in destruction of freedom.

Actually insane religious morals reduce freedom.
I don't know spike, I understand it is fun to debate and argue to a point, but this is looking more and more like being intentionally obtuse or "trolling" like you so freely let accusations of fly. Obviously it's all in the interpretation, and I have a lot of bad experience with "christians" too, but don't throw the baby out with the bath water! Still to intentionally provoke or ridicule beliefs when you do not understand how each individual interprets them is just shit stirring pain and simple!
If any of that made sense to you, please seek help.
If you don't find help here, seek elsewhere.
I don't know spike, I understand it is fun to debate and argue to a point, but this is looking more and more like being intentionally obtuse or "trolling" like you so freely let accusations of fly.

Sorry random, I'm making points and supporting them with bible verses. If you have no taste for religious discussion that's fine.
So, about this new covenant that says we can have bacon now... Is it a supplement to the original covenant, that just makes changes to the old covenant, with stuff not mentioned in the new covenant left as is? Or is it designed to completely wipe out the old covenant and replace it with the new one?

Ford published a shop manual for the 1962 Fairlane. For 1963, instead of publishing a whole new manual, Ford published a supplement, and whatever wasn't covered in the 1963 supplement was still the same as in the 1962 manual.

So I see this new covenant as:
NEW TESTAMENT: Rule changed. Bacon good.
Go with the new rule.

OLD TESTAMENT: No men lying with men.
NEW TESTAMENT: Not covered, rule not changed.
Go with old rule because there is no new rule.

As for GEICO... they're not that cheap. I got a way better rate with Progressive. I don't really care where GEICO or Progressive run their ads, because honestly, I don't make enough money to give a shit about that. If I can save $100 every six months, I need to do that.

spike said:
Yes, any that have based their daily life on rules from thousands of years ago has been set back.
Does that mean I can feel free to kill, steal and try to seduce my neighbor's wife? Those rules are thousands of years old too.
Does that mean I can feel free to kill, steal and try to seduce my neighbor's wife? Those rules are thousands of years old too.

You gotta take what makes sense and leave behind the other things. Otherwise you get flat earthers and people that don't believe in dinosaurs.
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