Massachusetts 2010: Brown vs. Coakley


Well-Known Member
Kennedy family sends out Save Our Seat

I want to ask for your personal help in the Special Election for my father’s seat taking place in just 4 days.

The latest polls show Democrat Martha Coakley in the lead, but her Republican opponent is right on her heels in a race that represents the critical 60th vote for health insurance reform and the rest of President Obama’s agenda.

Please help us by making calls at Democratic National Headquarters in DC between now and Election Day on Tuesday. Together we can make thousands of calls that will put this great candidate over the top.

Please sign up to volunteer in DC.

Thank you so much. Your efforts will make a big difference in this race!


Rep. Patrick Kennedy

The fate of 60th vote looms.

When Ted Kennedy died last August, Democrats said they'd honor him by finally passing the national health care he had long campaigned for. What an irony it would be if the race for Kennedy's successor in Massachusetts denied Democrats the 60th vote to ram their federal takeover into law on a partisan basis.

The mere fact that Democrats have to fight so hard to save Ted Kennedy's seat shows how badly they have misjudged America by governing so far to the left.

0bama puts Haiti on back burner and jets to MA:

BOSTON – His health care bill at stake, President Barack Obama plans a weekend trip to Massachusetts to campaign for endangered Senate candidate Martha Coakley after a poll showed an edge for Republicans in the race for a seat Democrats have held for over a half-century.

Obama's trip was hastily arranged as the White House and Democratic leaders in Congress sought to nail down a deal on historic legislation overhauling the country's system of medical care. His visit comes after he taped a Web video e-mailed to his supporters and an automated phone call asking Massachusetts to vote for Coakley, and promising "She'll be your voice and my ally."

A Suffolk University survey released late Thursday showed that Brown, a Republican state senator, with 50 percent of the vote in the race to succeed the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy in this overwhelmingly Democratic state.

Coakley had 46 percent. That amounted to a statistical tie since it was within the poll's 4.4 percentage point margin of error, but it was far different from a 15-point lead that Coakley, the Massachusetts attorney general, enjoyed in a Boston Globe survey released over the weekend.

Brown ahead of Coakley

Another new poll is out showing Republican U.S. Senate candidate, Scott Brown, ahead in the Special Election race for Senator of Massachusetts.

The highly respected American Research Group poll shows Brown ahead by 3% over his Democrat rival, the far-Left Martha Coakley (48%-45%).

The Special Election is now just 3 days away. Democrats and liberal special interest groups have dumped over $1 million into the race this week alone. Bill Clinton just campaigned for Democrat Martha Coakley, and Barack Obama is set to do the same on Sunday.

Groups like the Tea Party Express are continuing their fundraising for Scott Brown, and the SEIU has mobilized their union power to thwart the Tea Parties and other conservative groups.

The campaign of Scott Brown for U.S. Senate released a new web video today entitled "Coakley's Closing Argument." The video highlights Martha Coakley's support of the latest tax
hike proposal from Washington Democrats as her closing argument to Massachusetts voters.

Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday!
I dunno, I'm really think'n Coakley is very personable and a nice lady. I heard she's not GOP so we should elect her for it. After all it IS Teddy's seat.
She probably is very personable and nice. Still no way in hell I'm voting for her.
Cheating bastards.

Jan. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Even if Democrats lose the Jan. 19 special election to pick a new Massachusetts senator, Congress may still pass a health-care overhaul by using a process called reconciliation, a top House Democrat said.

Does this vote even matter?
SEIU’s Purple Army marches on Massachusetts

They’ve dumped nearly a $1 million of rank-and-file dues into Martha Antoinette Coakley’s coffers.

They “pulled out all the stops” before the primary and they’ll be throwing all their ground troops into the Bay State over the weekend.

They’re not about to roll over and play nice while their 60-vote supermajority slips away.

Somebody was talking about the SEIU setting up shop, globally. Pretty funny...American SEIU members will be competing with Indian SEIU members over jobs who are competing with Indonesian SEIU members.

Workers of the World Unite.
Somebody was talking about the SEIU setting up shop, globally. Pretty funny...American SEIU members will be competing with Indian SEIU members over jobs who are competing with Indonesian SEIU members.

Workers of the World Unite.
It's part of their mission statement in their bylaws.
Mission statement?

Oh, you mean, drop the US standard of living by 75% & increase everybody else by 12%...just to even it out.
Obama was just held at bey for 3 minutes by a little ginger Irish Catholic yelling him down.

ouch! thats gonna leave a mark!
