Massachusetts 2010: Brown vs. Coakley

Don't live there, don't care except for on eimportant ingredient....

Bigger turnout to vote at my polling place than for the presidential election.
Very happy Brown won.
I'll be surprised if he wins though. The Democratic Machine is all powerful and all corrupt. Martha was seen in D.C. a couple weeks ago apartment hunting, just after the Globe pronounced her up 17 points in the polls. Recent polls put it at a statistical tie, which means she will probably somehow squeak out a significant victory.
Hope I'm wrong. She gets in she will be beholden to the Masters of Corruption on Beacon Hill. Republicans come out of nowhere, but Democrats are all hand picked.

Are you surprised now? :wink2:
Webb Urges a Halt to Senate Health Care Votes

Responding to the Republican victory in Massachusetts, Senator Jim Webb, Democrat of Virginia, is calling on Senate leaders to suspend any votes on the Democrats’ health care legislation until the winner in the special Senate election, Scott Brown, is sworn into office.

“In many ways the campaign in Massachusetts became a referendum not only on health care reform but also on the openness and integrity of our government process,” Mr. Webb said. “It is vital that we restore the respect of the American people in our system of government and in our leaders. To that end, I believe it would only be fair and prudent that we suspend further votes on health care legislation until Senator-elect Brown is seated.”

R.I.P. 0bamacare!

Say goodbye to all the blue dogs and other dems who just jumped ship to keep their cushy jobs.
the people have spoken. seems buyer remorse for the change brigade is real after all. message being sent months before the regular elections held. the obamazombies on the hill are now so busy looking over their shoulders they will balk at the next harebrained ploy bho tries to cram down our throats. if they are smart at least. then again if they were smart they wouldnt have done what they did now would they? the libs see that they are not invincible they can be voted out. maybe now we can get some men and women of character and fortitude and moral backbone to run and get these bums out of congress

the masses spoke once and put bho in office. it looks like some of them saved the receipt and are in line for exchanges

the very notion that a non democrat libiot could win a massachusets seat held by the biggest political mafia family in american history speaks so loud that even the leftest of the lefties has to be doing a little worrying

game over bho. your days are now officially numbered. more trash gets taken out in november. the big rat falls in 2012. lets just hope we can minimize the damage until we get the chance to send these slobbering braindead puppets packing for good