Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Shot By Gunman

Yes spike, I want to see Americans exercising their freedom of speech, even if they are a dipshit.
This man needs involuntary hospitalization, just like the kid needed.

[SIZE=+1]Shooting Victim Eric Fuller has been arrested[/SIZE].

Toward the end of the town hall meeting Saturday morning, one of the shooting victims, J. Eric Fuller, took exception to comments by two of the speakers: Ariz. state Rep. Terri Proud, a Dist. 26 Republican, and Tucson Tea Party spokesman Trent Humphries.

According to sheriff's deputies at the scene, Fuller took a photo of Humphries and said, "You're Dead."

Deputies immediately escorted Fuller from the room.

Pima County Sheriff's spokesman Jason Ogan said later Saturday that Fuller has been charged with threats and intimidation and he also will be charged with disorderly conduct.

.....Stay Classy Democrats.
Yes spike, I want to see Americans exercising their freedom of speech, even if they are a dipshit.

Right we wouldn't even want to discourage or be critical of dipshittery. Exercising your free speech to call out dipshits must not be allowed.
Once again, you are both confused & wrong.

Idiots have the right to free speech. The rest of us have the right to enlighten them & tell them they're idiots.

Wanna shut her up?
Wow, she did a good job explaining the relativity of it all.


Right we wouldn't even want to discourage or be critical of dipshittery. Exercising your free speech to call out dipshits must not be allowed.
I do it all the time and you cry, hit the report button and then you bawww more. Hypocritical dipshit.

Idiots have the right to free speech. The rest of us have the right to enlighten them & tell them they're idiots.

Ah, so then we are allowed to call Palin's dipshittery for what it is. I hadn't got that idea from you before.
I do it all the time and you cry, hit the report button and then you bawww more. Hypocritical dipshit.

You're the only one crying and throwing tantrums here. There used to be a time when your type of dipshittery was against the rules and members were instructed to report trolls.

Once Gonz made the "there are no rules" announcement you became able to embarrass yourself at will.
See spike; the beauty about our freedoms is that you are free to say your thoughts openly, if its good, they will come and many will listen. -- Your side fears this.

You trying to blame Sarah and the conservatives for this shooting is like saying most Americans want Obamacare. Both are bold faced lies that you willingly regurgitate on command, you're a tool.
You trying to blame Sarah

Of course I didn't blame Sarah for the shooting. So once again you made up some shit. A bald faced lie.

After all this time you haven't learned that every time you make up shit you get called on it. Then you think "well that didn't work dammit....I know! I'll try making up some shit." :laugh:

The violent rhetoric from major figures on the right is certainly irresponsible. But even in cases where there is a direct correlation as with Jim David Adkisson/Bernie Goldberg and Byron Williams/Glenn Beck the public figure isn't directly responsible.

We can certainly call them out for their dipshittery though. Just like we can call you out for your infantile trolling.
Of course I didn't blame Sarah for the shooting. So once again you made up some shit. A bald faced lie.
The violent rhetoric from major figures on the right is certainly irresponsible. But even in cases where there is a direct correlation as with Jim David Adkisson/Bernie Goldberg and Byron Williams/Glenn Beck the public figure isn't directly responsible.

We can certainly call them out for their dipshittery though. Just like we can call you out for your infantile trolling.

I'd say that you jumped straight out of the box blaming Sarah to invigorate others to the same level hated and blame you already bare.

Of course you didn't say it, you never say anything. You were just riding the bandwagon with the haters.

Thanks for playing, again.

I know your right of course. We try to keep our Hollywood trips short for that exact reason. When we have to stay the night we go over to the Malibu area to avoid the herds of hipster moonbats.
