Were you taught about this at school?

yes. i also know who sacco and vanzetti were.

are you familiar with the case of the epins killings? probably not, it's kind of obscure. talk about weird government crackdowns... a j edgar hoover pipe dream for sure.
yes. i also know who sacco and vanzetti were.

are you familiar with the case of the epins killings? probably not, it's kind of obscure. talk about weird government crackdowns... a j edgar hoover pipe dream for sure.

No, what's that all about?
Hoover...a progressive that worked for Wilson, widened the path for the depression & FDR. Is there a surprise? (no, I didn't know about the DC incident.

Sacco and Vanzetti...rings a bell. After looking it up, it seems that it's still an uncertainty whether it was purely
political or they were involved.
yeah it's pretty typical for the broadly uneducated to latch on to a particular event or person or thing as being far more meaningful that they/it are/is.

my favorite is "hegelian dialectic," which will surely be the death of us all as commies wield it masterfully as an instrument. which must be quite a trick since it is imaginary and metaphysical.
imagine if all you could see was through the intarnets and the tiny windows up near the drop-panel ceiling in mom's suburban basement...
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