Recent content by Camelyn

  1. Camelyn

    how has the recent economy impacted you?

    We're thinking of selling the dog for some quick cash, or leasing out the children as day-laborers in Mexico.
  2. Camelyn

    Charges unlikely in death of girl, 5

    :shrug: Maybe there are rabid dogs rampant in the town
  3. Camelyn

    tool, rectum, naked, masturbation... check it out.

    I'd hate to be the guy that had to bag the evidence that day...
  4. Camelyn


    Happiestest birfday! :D :cake:
  5. Camelyn

    Finally got sirius about my music

    Jeff got me sirius for valentine's day this year. I love it. On long trips, there is always variety, whether you want to listen to music, news, or comedy.
  6. Camelyn

    Safest - Dangerous cities

    Too busy bustin badguys to submit statistics, no doubt ;)
  7. Camelyn

    Safest - Dangerous cities

    A population of 300,000 and Wichita isn't even on the list... Kansas City, Kansas: 342 Kansas City MO: 356 But thats like 200 miles away.
  8. Camelyn

    Cozy little cottage for sale

    I'll take the land it's on, they can keep the house. 20 acres, right next to a national forest...
  9. Camelyn

    What are men good for

    He is good at being my best friend, the person who can read my mind before I know what it is I am thinking, the person who I am never afraid to say anything to. He also loves my kids even though they aren't his, takes interest in their lives, and asks what they did at school, every single...
  10. Camelyn

    Big-ass vulture 1, my windshield 0

    Well, he does now. On a timeshare, but still boobs is boobs :D
  11. Camelyn

    Bumper Nuts

    I'm just too sheltered....
  12. Camelyn

    Happy Birthday Sam!

    Happy birthday Sam :)
  13. Camelyn

    Bumper Nuts

  14. Camelyn

    Bitch about work thread.

    Math quiz: 18-6= 12?? :eek5:
  15. Camelyn

    Bumper Nuts

    And why, exactly, do you know so much about bumper nuts? Do you have a secret stash you've been keeping from me?