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  1. R

    hi everyone from copenhagen

    Hi yourself darling. Sorry I'm a bit late ;)
  2. R

    Welcome, ris's missus!!!

    Which ancient threads... can you direct me to any?
  3. R

    Welcome, ris's missus!!!

    The man has landed, and sends a general HI!!! to everyone. Right, does anyone want to start a countdown...?
  4. R

    should fi post her pic?

    high professional career...;) Nah, I didn't stop drinking the stuff even after my bad alcohol experience (TM), and see no reason to stop now.
  5. R

    should fi post her pic?

    Not this pic... ris as a Rocky Horror Show character, anyone... I'll take a cheque ;)
  6. R

    should fi post her pic?

    For a cheapie, that's not bad. I would still recommend Thatchers as a cheap quality cider though. It's not to everyone's platate (tastes like paint stripper for the first 4 mouthfuls... by the 5th mouthful you don't care!), but if you get used to it it's worth it. They make it on a farm in...
  7. R

    should fi post her pic?

    To go back to the thread topic in hand... I've got a fairly blackmailable pic of ris too, if anyone's interested? And if he manages to wrestle it off me I'm sure his mother would lend me baby pics... *rubs hands together in evil mercenary glee*
  8. R

    should fi post her pic?

    Euuuuuuuuuuuuugh That's like, sweet, and stuff.... Vile.
  9. R

    Welcome, ris's missus!!!

    :microwav: *barely suppressed mirth* You wanna bet? I don't see him till tomorrow night at least.
  10. R

    should fi post her pic?

    Yeah, and they know nothing. A good west-cuntry grrrl drinks zider boi thatcherrrrrrs, awreeet?
  11. R

    should fi post her pic?

    Gnat's piss! :barfonu: You need a good pint of quality apples to put hairs on your chest... addle your brains... make you play dominos all afternoon for the rest of your life...!
  12. R

    Welcome, ris's missus!!!

    Oh, come on, be realistic... he's got to be picked up at Stansted, taken to Cambridge, and then find a connection first. I reckon 2 hours at least.
  13. R

    should fi post her pic?

    But I can send you Thatchers.... hand crafted from the finest dead rats...!
  14. R

    Welcome, ris's missus!!!

    Well, who am I to resist. There's got to be something going for this forum, if he ignores me for it at least 50% of the time! ;) Boy is currently in the air. Should be arriving back on land in 20 minutes or so. Anyone want to take bets on how long it takes him to get on-line?
  15. R

    should fi post her pic?

    I'll post you some, if you don't automatically assume it's from the IRA ;)
  16. R

    should fi post her pic?

    Well, you did give me a better one at one point, of you cradling a pint of cider lovingly, but I've mislaid it... Never mind, ris's crap is still on top of the scanner anyway. I shall look out the other sanctioned pic - I might have a copy at work. :P
  17. R

    should fi post her pic?

    :D ris doesn't have access to pictures of Fi at the moment. But I do! How much, Fi, for not posting the 5 year-old pic of you that you hate, that we have up on our wall?