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  1. Altron


    Different age demographics. Just about every one of my friends around the same age of me has text messaging and does it often, so it's developed as a mainstream form of communication. I don't know a single person under the age of 30 who doesn't have a text messaging plan. It definitely has its...
  2. Altron


    I've been very happy with Verizon. We have the "quadruple play" - TV, Internet, landline phone, and cell phone. There's a bit of a sticker shock because it comes on the same bill (which is a BIG bill), but it worked out to give us more stuff than getting it from separate providers. A little...
  3. Altron


    I have very similar numbers here, Gonz.
  4. Altron

    U.S. Government Website Addresses Conspiracies

    I watched whatever was the current version, about 90 minutes long, last summer.
  5. Altron

    U.S. Government Website Addresses Conspiracies

    Nothing in "loose change" is true, dude. You pick a point from it, and I'll explain to you why it is wrong.
  6. Altron

    House approves repeal of gay ban in military

    That's just ridiculous. Can you reference any scientific study that can confirm at a high level of statistical significance that a promiscuous homosexual is more likely to have a STD than an equally promiscuous heterosexual? Can you reference a military SOP that calls for immediate in-the-field...
  7. Altron

    As the Conspiracy Turns

    Just saw this on the news... I paid some attention to Sestak/Specter mainly because South Jersey gets all its broadcast and printed media from Philadelphia, so I saw a lot of campaigning ads and news coverage.
  8. Altron

    Seattle becomes 11th city to boycott Arizona

    The city council has a responsibility to its constituents to make sure that any government work is contracted out to the contractor able to do the best work for the lowest price, regardless of personal bias. To not do so is corruption. If the city council was a private company, then sure, it...
  9. Altron

    Seattle becomes 11th city to boycott Arizona

    Is South Africa a state? Did South Africa ratify the US Constitution? The US can place trade embargoes on whichever countries it damn well pleases. But individual states cannot place trade embargoes on other states. Any sort of tarriff or embargo on interstate commerce placed by one state upon...
  10. Altron

    Seattle becomes 11th city to boycott Arizona

    Obviously, the situation of "pay to play" is referencing a mayor or governor giving unfair bias towards a particular contractor. However, a city council giving unfair bias against a particular contractor is the same violation. The Constitution is pretty clear in that it specifies certain...
  11. Altron

    Seattle becomes 11th city to boycott Arizona

    I thought that government contracts were filled by a "lowest bidder" type approach where the company willing to complete the work to a satisfactory level for the least amount of money was awarded the contract. I thought it was blatantly illegal to award government contracts based off of...
  12. Altron

    Arizona takes one step closer to Fascism

    No, because there is a thin line making that distinction. For instance, at my public high school, I took a course called "Eastern Humanities", that detailed the history of India, China, and Japan. I learned about their mythology, their customs and traditions, and their history. Did it...
  13. Altron

    Arizona takes one step closer to Fascism

    I can't say I disagree with this, Bish. What has made America such a unified and powerful country in the past has been the assimilation of many different cultures and ethnicities into one. The laws of our nation are written so that every person, no matter their skin tone or ethnic heritage...
  14. Altron


    but.... but.... Dick Cheney planned 911! Marvin the Martian assassinated JFK! Chemtrails are real!
  15. Altron

    Typical complaint "Mexicans standing on the corner. You need to check them out"

    I got my NJ driver's license in my wallet, so I always have it.
  16. Altron

    Typical complaint "Mexicans standing on the corner. You need to check them out"

    I'm going to Arizona at the end of the summer! It's mad cheap to go there in August, because it's so damn hot. My grandpa bought some shares in this hotel, and part of the deal with it is that he can book rooms ridiculously cheap ($11/night, no it isn't a typo), so I'm going out for a...
  17. Altron

    How many OTCers does it take to change a lightbulb?

    I am intrigued. You send me a PM, and I will reply.
  18. Altron

    2.3L Mitsubishi Diesel or Cummins 4BT?

    Probably a junkyard pullout would be best. You'll probably need a new ECU too to go from gas to diesel. Will your current transmission bolt up to either?
  19. Altron

    How many OTCers does it take to change a lightbulb?

    LEDs have better SPD and CRI than CFLs.
  20. Altron

    Well... It's been a while!

    Welcome back.