2.3L Mitsubishi Diesel or Cummins 4BT?


Active Member
does anybody know where i can get a 2.3L Mitsubishi Diesel or a Cummins 4BT? My Motor just went out on my Ford Ranger, so i want to replace it with a Diesel Engine. any help would be great. the 2.3L Mitsubishi is the stock Engine that would come with the Ranger that year, and the Cummins 4BT is a Similar Diesel engine that would fit in my Truck. I would perfer the 2.3L Mitsubishi because it pretty much bolts right t to my truck. The every so horrible 2.9L V6 is finally dead with well over 220,000 Miles on it.




The dead Engine. ):þ
Nice horns. I'd go thei the Mitsu instead of the cummins. The cummins has a better reputation, but its heavy. 745lbs
Nice horns. I'd go thei the Mitsu instead of the cummins. The cummins has a better reputation, but its heavy. 745lbs

Yea, i am not sure what to do yet, i am just going to save up and see what i can afford. the wieght is not an issue really. Whatever i can find, and what ever is in better condition, is what i will get.
Probably a junkyard pullout would be best. You'll probably need a new ECU too to go from gas to diesel. Will your current transmission bolt up to either?
Yea i am assuming a new engine will cost me $700-$1000. the trasnmission will have to be swaped out for a manual. other then that, not too many conversions have to be done to make either fit in my truck.