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  1. Jas101

    You poor Canadians...

    What do you call a man with a seagull on his head? Cliff
  2. Jas101

    You poor Canadians...

    What do you call a man with 50 rabbits up his bum? Warren.
  3. Jas101

    I just got back from holiday

    A rather spiffing time was had by this chap. I successfully defended my "king of kareoke" crown. Ate tons of food. Drank even more drink. Got sunburn. Bought loads of crap I'll never need or use again. Cool baggy shorts! YAY ME!!!! Spain is the best place in the whole chonking...
  4. Jas101

    Who would play YOU?

    Pee Wee Herman and Ronald Reagan. Either could play me or the co-star/sex scene role
  5. Jas101

    Explain please

    I was hoping for Pall Mall
  6. Jas101

    Explain please i win! right, wheres my money?
  7. Jas101

    Explain please

    why not? proove it
  8. Jas101

    Explain please

    You're all wrong. It is in fact possible. Its a freak of physics. Matter can easily be turned into anti-matter (as shown on the picture) Albert Einstein had no idea what he was going on about. The universe as we all know it doesnt really exist. We're all going to...
  9. Jas101

    Explain please

    my groovy picture has gone awol :( Attachment(s): how.gif, 21.72kb
  10. Jas101

    Explain please

  11. Jas101

    My Dog

    Hiya nixy, mousey looks happy.
  12. Jas101

    My Dog

    double post. eek!
  13. Jas101

    My Dog

    haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa very familiar! one of scooby's favourites is > "!!!"
  14. Jas101

    Webcam Chatting

    I chat with a cam. Hilarious at its best... spooky when you get a weirdo on line. i was on a huge cam based community a few months back. quite funny if you managed to filter out all the sex
  15. Jas101

    My Dog

    Scooby. Although she'll respond to most obscenities, especially if you scream them at her.
  16. Jas101

    My Dog

    She's the best in the world. i love her a lot. even on the frequent occasions when I want to kill her, i still love her. she eats my food after eating her own, shes 100% sure that i'm going to share my crisps she runs upstairs to eat her bone alone she likes the same tv programs as...
  17. Jas101

    Did you know...?

    Urine is also good for burns. No joke, I've tried it. Didnt have any salve at the time so I went to the loo and pissed on my hand (instead of my shoes for a change). Pain stopped.
  18. Jas101

    Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm not at Uni Justin. I'm a civil servant in the Netherlands. Although I do get pissed a lot! :cocktail: And I spend all my money on crap I don't need. I guess there are a few similarities.