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  1. O


    :confused: Don't know wot's behind that statement Raven.....but it looks a bit out of order to me I'm sure Paul know's I was only poking a bit of fun at him (at least i hope yer do dude) ;)
  2. O

    Anybody read Arabic or Hebrew?

    I don't like the idea of being pricked in me sciences :eek6:
  3. O

    Would you use it?

    Now there is a post to start a new page on.......intriguing....
  4. O

    Would you use it?

    :rofl: I can laugh at yer BoP.....I done exactly the same meself :D (although mine was slightly different, on the drink in Durham......missed the last bus home, decided to sleep in the bus station and the next thing I know I've woken up at 8am......sitting on one of those auto toilet...
  5. O

    Anybody read Arabic or Hebrew?

    Yeah. Basically it's hebrew for "add 3 inches to the length of your penis" ;)
  6. O

    Would you use it?

    Why? do you do summit on the toilet that the rest of us don't? :eek6:
  7. O


    Goddamn republicans.....showing all his good points and none of the bad :P
  8. O

    Would you use it?

    Oh I dunno.......after a night of Guinness and Vindaloo, any distraction can be welcome :D
  9. O

    Would you use it?

    sure I'd use it......the view would be nice if I had no reading material handy :swing:
  10. O


    It's nifty plagiarism ;) .... glad yer liked it tho' :D
  11. O


    [darth vader]It is foolish to resist, Oz. It is your destiny[/darth vader] Of course....dontcha know that it makes no diff if yer a man or a mouse.....pussy gets them both in the end ;) Besides, Al kept his sarcasm....that's more than most blokes manage :lloyd:
  12. O


    Paul! ya silly sod.....yer makin' yerself look just as sad and lifeless as the rest of us :lloyd:
  13. O


    ah, wot a bloke! When I grow up I wanna be just like him :D
  14. O

    Top 9 comments made by the NBC Olympic commentators

    :rofl: *heads to the karma button That was just wot I needed to cheer meself up dude! :D
  15. O


    Oh gods......somebody give our favourite BoP some pants....she's going into withdrawal again :D
  16. O

    Thread starting count

    fuckin' 'ell! I've started a grand total of...........27 :D
  17. O

    Thread starting count

    ^ wot the dude said
  18. O

    The OTC Dual-BBQ thread

    Tartan? I once spent four days drunk as a monkey on that stuff and ended up with a fekkin' helluva case of sunburn when I finally collapsed (was camping at the time) :D McEwans and Tartan? *feels his respect for the canadians grow :headbng2:
  19. O

    The OTC Dual-BBQ thread

    Is that McEwans Export tonksy is drinkin'? :D (great beer!) Cool pix........keep em comin' :swing:
  20. O

    Bitching thread....

    Too right! Enjoy yer hangovers while yer can still have 'em GnL ;) :drink: I could kill for a good hangover about now...... Bitching: Bored!! Want a legover but I'm too lazy today to go have one (just got back from work....I'm knackered).......feel like sitting and having a good chinwag...