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  1. O

    Official OTC Gross-Out Contest

    Bugger me....she's lucky she didn't get toxic shock syndrome or summit :confused: Gross out stuff? Hmm, plenty of those horror stories.....but not one of them compare to nursing a three yr old boy who had sickness, diahorea and the flu all at the same time ....... I dunno where the hell...
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    She passed!! :D

    Congrats to Mrs Bish :)
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    from a Muslims POV

    Of course......there are just so many variations/additions/ommisions/ makes the mind boggle trying to come to your own [my own] conclusions :confused: Sometimes it seems there are as many different sects/subsects to the same religion as there are actual verses in the book.
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    from a Muslims POV

    It was :) It did, the New Testament pretty much dismisses pagan religions as mere would have been a lot sweeter for millions of people if that line of thought had prevailed. I've read a lot of accounts to Exodus:22 translations......everything from "witch" coming from...
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    Happy Birthday Paul Valaru!!

    Dude! Being 31 absolutley sucks! But hell, it's better than 32! :D Have a great one. man! :drink:
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    Lets play word association

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    Makes me so mad... yet full of sorrow!

    Not really...was quiet on the forums Can you think of anything more personal than prejudging someone? I sure as hell can't.....
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    Makes me so mad... yet full of sorrow!

    Have I Gonz? :rolleyes: ......... you have a lot of knowledge and experience of Northern England? You can instantly define that my entire life experiences have molded me to a stereotypical part of society, and the environment that I've lived in has also so conveniently shaped me to fit into...
  9. O

    Edwards: Religious faith should not divide voters

    Actually, Julius Ceaser (yup, the Julius Ceaser) ordered the druids to be wiped out. He very nearly succeeded as well. Oh.....and the wiccan religion has bugger all to do with druidry ;)
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    Makes me so mad... yet full of sorrow!

    Excuse me? Do you know anything about my life prior to my joining OTC? No, you don't......don't ever accuse me of making some kind of "Gonz social faux pas" I stated my reasons for using the term "current wife" if you have a problem with my use of that term......then you really have to...
  11. O

    Makes me so mad... yet full of sorrow!

    I would? You mean to tell me that until the last decade or so not one young person lost their spouse to death? Or if they did, none of them remarried? Please Gonz, give some of us the credit for looking at the world without your percieved view of how should we do it :rolleyes:
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    Makes me so mad... yet full of sorrow!

    *Nods approvingly* Dude, not to look on the black side or anything.....but people lose spouses for other reasons than just divorce. I don't know enough about ya personal life to assume this is the first time yer've been wed :shrug:
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    Makes me so mad... yet full of sorrow!

    wow, mebbe I'm being too presumtious here.....but your current wife is the only person you've ever had sex with Gonz? You were both virgins on your wedding night? :confused:
  14. O

    So..who won the debate? Kerry vs. Bush

    LMAO! why would I need help? I ain't sat in the USA :D Blair might be a bit of a wanker, but I'd still put him head and shoulders above Kerry or Bush ;)
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    So..who won the debate? Kerry vs. Bush

    EDIT: no no, not again.....this is the same conversation I was having a year ago.
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    So..who won the debate? Kerry vs. Bush

    You got that......Mr Hussain is currently sat in a prison cell. So, the plan for the next victory? Victories?
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    So..who won the debate? Kerry vs. Bush

    Like I was an insult to anyone with two braincells to rub together :eh: Mind you, our lot ain't much better :shrug:
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    So..who won the debate? Kerry vs. Bush

    Who's talking about exit strategy? They can't even find a workable occupation strategy :confused:
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    So..who won the debate? Kerry vs. Bush

    Well no, they wouldn't be Gonz........they had a plan (there is no doubt the invasion went well, but you need more than just big guns to bring peace y'know) :D
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    So..who won the debate? Kerry vs. Bush

    I think you've got Kerry and Bush mixed up dude (Kerry is the tall one). If you honestly expected to hear a full "game plan" in the two minute window in which they were allowed to speak.......well, your idea of a workable game plan is pretty simplistic, I can see why you're a bush supporter :)...