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  1. MrBishop

    Prop 19: Marijuana Legalization Gets its Number in California

    Yup...well regulated. Registered and controlled through channels of rank by the state for it's own defense in the case of invasion by another state, country or a hostile takeover of the elected GVT by secessionists or insurrectionists. As opposed to 'any yahoo can own a gun just in case...
  2. MrBishop

    The Establishment

    Gotho - how does arthritis do against these? Cranial Suprainiac fossa, a groove above the inion Occipital bun, a protuberance of the occipital bone, which looks like a hair knot[6] Projecting mid-face Low, flat, elongated skull A flat basicranium[7][8][9] Supraorbital torus, a...
  3. MrBishop

    How's your garden doing?

    Have a nice trip Val! Where are you travelling in France?
  4. MrBishop

    The Establishment

    Cave only disputed Neanderthals presented stance as 'hunched over' by saying that the reconstructed skeleton did not allow for the presence of arthritis and the curvature of the spine due to age. Basically, he wanted the skeleton to hunch less and have better poise. He at no time denied the...
  5. MrBishop

    Now, about that whole "Palin is toxic" thing ...

    Palin..queen of the new Theocracy!! Prepare the 21 million gun salute
  6. MrBishop

    Now, about that whole "Palin is toxic" thing ...

    Keep going. The TEA party is pulling the Rep party to the far right..away from the more moderate conservatives and the swing voters, who'll either just stay home or vote for the other guy/gal. A week into November, the Republicans will still be scratching their heads and wondering how they...
  7. MrBishop

    Prop 19: Marijuana Legalization Gets its Number in California

    Everyone seems to forget about the first part of that sentence..the one about the militia being important. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Want to bear arms? Join a militia...
  8. MrBishop

    The Establishment

  9. MrBishop

    Prop 19: Marijuana Legalization Gets its Number in California

    So do what is done for cigs and booze. Age limits. Set legal pot at 21 along with booze.
  10. MrBishop

    Prop 19: Marijuana Legalization Gets its Number in California

    moot to the topic at hand...I know this is OTC, but do try and stick to the conversation, eh *I, not unlike Prof, think that the general populace is too stupid to be trusted with certain things... loaded guns IMHO fit into that category quite nicely.
  11. MrBishop

    Prop 19: Marijuana Legalization Gets its Number in California

    In general, I'd say that pot would discourage this kind of activity. When people smoke up, they want to enjoy the buzz..not go for a drive...unless the depanneur (convenience store) is too far to walk. The person is more conscious of their inability to drive than when under the influence of...
  12. MrBishop

    Fidel Castro: Cuba's Communism Not Working

    Dude...I've been there a few times and have family there. I've seen first hand both the good and the bad cars...hell, the Russian cars are miniscule. Make Mini's look like Caddy's :P Plumes of blue or black smoke coming from tailpipes is almost the norm. The video is nice. I've watched the...
  13. MrBishop

    UK Teen Banned For Life From US

    Somehow, I think that it takes more than calling the President a prick to get the FBI's attention. Threathening the life of the president would probably raise a few flags but a basic insult..nah.
  14. MrBishop

    Prop 19: Marijuana Legalization Gets its Number in California

    Has very little to do with harm from the substance in particular, but rather the decision to operate a vehicle while under the influence of said substance. The exact same dangers can be had while driving a vehicle after a 12-14 hour work shift, or even after switching to a later shift if you...
  15. MrBishop

    How's your garden doing?

    Not if you're slicing them..the skin pieces will be small enough to not matter.
  16. MrBishop

    Death Panels

    Audit medical costs - sounds reasonable.
  17. MrBishop

    Fidel Castro: Cuba's Communism Not Working

    1930's? The answer would be a maybe. I did see some serious antiques while in Habana. Jim's right and wrong about the condition of the cars though. They try and keep their cars in excellent condition, but often inherit cars that were mistreated and can't find parts for fixes, so the motor is...
  18. MrBishop

    Surprise! Koran burner idiot is a radical nutcase

    I consider him a egotistical idiot who's stirring a bigger pot than he can possibly control. Enemy, no. Garden variety idiot who's 15 minutes are hopefully up.
  19. MrBishop

    How's your garden doing?

    Got this from Tonks: Had to share Tomato Pie There are recipes out there but it's real simple. Slice about 3-4 tomatoes and set them to drain on paper towels and cover them too. Bake a deep dish pie crust for 10 minutes and then put a layer of tomatoes, thinly sliced onion,and diced ham or...
  20. MrBishop

    +9 years
