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  1. PostCode

    Going postal, again

    Still here.
  2. PostCode

    A-10 Tank Killers

    I was refering to you saying they were long gone.
  3. PostCode

    What is wrong with people, take 2...

    ohhh why do I loath a13 so much?
  4. PostCode

    College Bowl Games

    Texas 41 USC 38. UCS loses. Matt, go fnd a job ya hippie. Wankers. College football is over.....thank God.
  5. PostCode

    A-10 Tank Killers

    Wrong Winks. Let me, being a formar tanker, tell you about what it's really like aye? Do this. Tell me what it feels like to have a Warthog screaming in on your tank column at antenna level while your trying to pull the hatches closed on your tank before the guy screams over the top of...
  6. PostCode

    US forces 'used chemical weapons in Fallujah'

    White Phosphorus (WP) - It's used to create a smoke screen. It is not an incendiary device that is used to blow something up. Gato pretty much nailed this one down. The Army does not use or even has any rounds in which WP is used for the purpose of killing. Ever see a...
  7. PostCode

    Cops are less than human

    It just dawned on me. When you see these high profile cases of bad cop beating the life outta innocent civilian on TV where does it usually happen? California... With the exception of the beligerant id10t's in Loiusiana that is (hit him at least three times just to make sure...oh, and do it...
  8. PostCode

    Cops are less than human

    Thank you for a thinker. The law was not created to protect the police. It was created to protect the innocent. If a person commits a crime that involves a police officer and a false claim, and is backed with evidence, then hey, more power to the cop. Then again, if the reverse if true, good bye...
  9. PostCode

    Cops are less than human

    But, if it's not in the legal documentation, i.e. legal law, that would otherwise incriminate of a person paying that genious's paycheck then it's basically ok. Thus, the judge rightly sighted here. If legal precedent is set what stops other states from adopting these measures? Obviously IT'S...
  10. PostCode

    Cops are less than human

    So, at least in the states of California and Louisiana this isn't applicable then? :lol2:
  11. PostCode

    so I got a job

    So, what eactly is going to be tested here. If any males are involved then I really, really, really, don't want to know a single itty bitty thing. Butttt if woman are involved, hey divulge by all means. :D
  12. PostCode

    Cops are less than human

    Exactly. Can't go wrong with an honest cop. :rolleyes:
  13. PostCode

    telephone installation problem

    One pair, two pair, three fucking pair. Who care's? Just tell him how to wire the damn thing someone please. :banghead:
  14. PostCode

    Cops are less than human

    Sorry snp. I've bout had it with probation occifers and powice wannabe's this past year and half. Pretty fucking tired of the BS.
  15. PostCode

    Cops are less than human

    Gestapo tactics are ok then? Is this what you are saying? Come on dude...who funds yer paycheck man? Like I said, I have no problem with the law in the understanding, but who are we protecting here? The enforcers or the enforced? Yeah, ya got a job to keep but I'm sure there is enough...
  16. PostCode

    Cops are less than human

    Interesting. But then again, since you work in the correctional field I'm going to bet that this really chaps yer ass hard. Get with it man. If the cops are protected by law to NOT be charged against filling a false report/claim, then why in the hell should a person who is paying that...
  17. PostCode

    telephone installation problem

    No I wasn’t. A person has to first have a clue about ISDN to confuse it.
  18. PostCode

    telephone installation problem

    One pair? Wait a sec. I thought DSL used the other pair?
  19. PostCode

    Cops are less than human

    Thus we should be biased towards cops? It works both ways. You know, one of the things I try to teach my kids is that it's a two way street. They have to come out to. It's not a one way street for them, rather a two way street for both of us. We both have to work on it. I see an analogy...
  20. PostCode

    Cops are less than human

    Looks pretty cut and dry to me. Seems that is was a one way ruling that was overturned and rightly so. The police could just as easily lodge false statements, which they probably do already, so why can't the person who is paying their wages do the same?