so I got a job

Luis G

Staff member
At the university where I studied. Full time job, from 9am to 3pm and from 5pm to 7pm. Plus I have a class at 8am all days except on thursday.

I'm a test period of 3 months, I hope I can do it right and get the job permanently.
Computer lab management, not something 'exciting' but it is a step in the right direction of bigger and better things (research/investigator professor).
Will it get you a lot of chicks? Will you make mad bank? And, most importantly, will it get you a lot of chicks?
I started this monday.

I doubt it will get me a lot of chicks, the computer systems division of electrical engineering is not very appealing to them. :(
At least they are now paying you instead of you paying them. The reversal of cashflow should mean caviar for breakfast from now on.
Well, kinda.......the only payment left I have to do is one of about USD$500 for the paperwork of my degree. After that i'll only get paid :D :D

Once step forward now, I'm a teacher of an official course. I won't have to work extra hours, just share 2 hours of my daily 8. The doors are opening, at least for now.
Today I got an offer to give ANOTHER class, 2 hours a day. I'm still thinking if I should accept.

For one side, if I accept I'd have more prescence at the university, but for the other I'd be working 11 hours a day. :shrug:
Congrats (I missed it the first time around)...

WORK!!!!!!!!! your ass off. At a job, screw around. At a career, you can't do too much, especially at the beginning, if you want to move ahead.
Luis G said:
I'm a test period of 3 months

So, what eactly is going to be tested here. If any males are involved then I really, really, really, don't want to know a single itty bitty thing. Butttt if woman are involved, hey divulge by all means.