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  1. PostCode

    Land Walker

  2. PostCode

    windows swap file, opinions experiences

    Back it up, get the low level format utility from the manufacturer of the drive, run it and then do a restore. $200 for a new drive? I don't know where you are buying your computer stuff from but you are defiantely getting ripped off. I can get a 60GB 7200RPM Hitachi 2.5 inch drive for right...
  3. PostCode

    One Victory

    "Evolution" is a wonderful thing ain't it?
  4. PostCode

    I need one.
  5. PostCode

    64-bits per second

    I love the media.
  6. PostCode

    IE7 Beta 1 Details

    Still no word on tabs or RSS though...
  7. PostCode

    Software Giants Adobe, Macromedia to Merge,2933,153750,00.html
  8. PostCode

    Trivia #20

    I'll bite. Your wrong. It's Tibet.
  9. PostCode

    Since SL has better things to do. #21

    Sundial and an hourglass Teacher Sugar The first paved road was laid down outside Detroit in 1908 at a cost of $13,534 87 feet
  10. PostCode

    Oral Sex - It's God's Will

    It doesn't. No where in the Bible does it say one way or the other about any kind of sexual act. Nowhere. If some tells you one way or the other they are wrong. It does tell us that sexual immortality is wrong and will be punished. Define sexual immortality though. That is what we need to...
  11. PostCode

    Oral Sex - It's God's Will

    Yeah, the Dead Sea Scrolls didn't really exist, it was really a government coverup plan. :rolleyes: Think about the sheer number of people who witnessed all of the events taking place. The thousands of people witnessing this one man healing all these people. This one man feeding thousands of...
  12. PostCode

    Oral Sex - It's God's Will

    Ahhh yes. The liberals are really to blame for this. Take the TNIV and the post Gonz made earlier. The word of God is it. It is man that is changing it. The word of God says man, the TNIV says human beings. Why? Because they are trying to appease a growing liberal crowd that demands further...
  13. PostCode

    Oral Sex - It's God's Will

    Acts 11:2 -18 Again, New Testament scripture.
  14. PostCode

    Oral Sex - It's God's Will

    Jesus wiped the laws out. Not literally, but spiritually. We no longer have sacrifices because he was the ultimate sacrifice. We no longer have a Day of Atonement because he effectively forgave all sin. Leviticus was a time before His sacrifice. Now, it's a piece of history and no longer valid...
  15. PostCode

    Oral Sex - It's God's Will

    Let's not group all Christians into one lump sum group shall we? I grow tired of non-christians assuming such things.
  16. PostCode

    are you one of them yankees?

  17. PostCode

    Wish me luck...I'm about to...

    What you might try doing is after yout it all ready hardware wise, boot the system to a XP CD, preferably one with SP2 either slipstreamed in or has it in by default, and then run the repair option. That should get the system back up with no problem.
  18. PostCode

    Wish me luck...I'm about to...

    No Connection
  19. PostCode

    XP CD Burning

    Does this built in utility finalize the CD after it finishes burning it or leave it open for further burning?
  20. PostCode

    Today's New International Version

    2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;