Me too :grumpy: ...and I'm very confused by all this new stuff and I can't find the colors and all the links are different and the pm'er almost made me cry.
I will prolly never get along with Justin...but that has never prevented me from enjoying your friendship and I'm very glad. I was just delighted when you decided to join up here.:kiss:
I just tried to reply to Luis' thread about his Aunt and it told me that forum was not accepting any new might wanna go bitchslap that forum.
I just got a pop up saying I have a new private message, and according to the thingy I have 2 unread messages...but they aren't in my inbox. Also I can't read the ones that are in my inbox(the titles aren't links) :confused:
Oh Jon....I wish I had a magic answer for you.
This asshole's a cop, prolly nothing's ever going to happen to him...they protect their own....BUT KEEP DOCUMENTATION ANYWAY. You never know.
I don't recommend you cut yourself off from you mum....and the reason is, she will end up depending on...