Search results

  1. StuTheWise

    Space Invaders!

    Ever heard of MAME? Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. Capable of emulating thousands of old arcade games. I've used it to play games like Joust, Sprint, Bionic Commando, Marble Madness, PacMan, Arch Rivals, Kung Fu... you get the idea. Run a search for MAME on your favorite search engine...
  2. StuTheWise

    are we raising stoopid kids?

    When "normal" punishment (time outs etc.) didn't work, I decided that lessons are best learned when suffering is involved... I remembered back to my days of Marine Corps boot camp. Yes, my drill instructors taught me to inflict misery quite well. I now pass on what I have learned to my kids.
  3. StuTheWise

    What nationality are you?

    My nationality is American, but my ethnicity is half European and half Filipino... pil duk duka!
  4. StuTheWise

    What is your favorite sci--fi show?

    Star Trek RUUUULESSSS!!! Now the question becomes: which episode of Star Trek is your favorite? I really like The Doomsday Machine. Commodore Decker's death scene is worthy of an Emmy! :D Chekov: Heading, Captain? Kirk: Second star to the right, and straight on 'till morning.
  5. StuTheWise

    are we raising stoopid kids?

    I have a plan... I'll go back to college and send all my assignments to you. Have the kids do the work, then send it back to me so I can turn it in as my own! That way, at least somebody (namely me) will benefit...
  6. StuTheWise

    Teen Spends $2M On eBay

    Ouch! Thjat's gotta hurt! :eek:
  7. StuTheWise

    interesting story on tv news

    Here's something that happened when I worked at eBay: It's not uncommon for a person to bid some outrageous amount at the last second to ensure that they win. Good plan, eh? That is until somebody else gets the same idea and bids some outrageous amount on the same item. Something like a...
  8. StuTheWise

    What do you think about cloning?

    I was thinking they could grow a complete, brainless, clone of me, then transplant my brain (they have already done total body transplants on monkeys... although the monkeys were unable to control their new body)... or amputate the arm and stick it on me. Then throw the clone in storage in case...
  9. StuTheWise

    Star Wars Episode 7+

    I was wondering what all you guys have heard about the last three episodes? I understand Lucas has already stated that he will not make anymore episodes after episode 3... but I'm just curious to know a little more about the Star Wars universe... and I'm not talking about the books written by...
  10. StuTheWise

    What do you think about cloning?

    I don't have much opinion on the cloning of animals... I'm just waiting for them *$#@! doctors to clone me a new @#$&!'ing arm! So I suppose you could say that I'm all for human cloning.
  11. StuTheWise

    which member has left HWC do you miss most?

    Ah yes... the catfights between Jeffy79 and Mole. In this corner, the hay-throwin', snowmobile ridin', deer killin' farmer from New York.... Jeffy79!!! In this corner, the cat eatin' moderator from Bankok (makes a hard man humble)... Mole! LET'S GET READY TO RUUUUUUUMMMMMBLLLE!!! :bash3:
  12. StuTheWise

    Birth announcement!

    Thanks everybody! You guys are awesome!
  13. StuTheWise

    I´m about to go get married:D

    Welcome to the real "real world"! :D You are one year older than I when I got married. Neither one of us had a job... and my wife's car was about to get repossesed. But now, after 6 years, I have a business that is steady on the rise (after having about a dozen others fail!), we have three...
  14. StuTheWise

    which member has left HWC do you miss most?

    VectraP... wasn't she always trying to convert people to Christianity or somethin'?
  15. StuTheWise

    Birth announcement!

    MitchSchaft, congrats! It sure changes how you feel about life when you see them for the first time, doesn't it (even if it is a sonogram)? flavio... yeah, we were getting pretty desperate at that point. It was like... crap, he's coming and he ain't got no name!!!
  16. StuTheWise

    what\´s the mother of all sciences ?

    Shoot, when he said mother of all science, I thought he meant the mother the same way Hot Shots was "the mother of all movies". Sheesh.. since you guys are talking literal here... I would dare agree that philosophy is the mother of all science... being that it was the first science. When the...
  17. StuTheWise

    Birth announcement!

    Hello everybody! I am a daddy for the third time! Hey, while you're at my website, check it out and let me know what you think. It's only been up a few days and I been working my *$$ off the last 48 hours getting it all ready.. dealing with all the affiliates...
  18. StuTheWise

    Another BS lawsuit

    "YHWH"... I'm curious, is that Arabic for "Yahweh"?
  19. StuTheWise

    Any Good™

    What do I think?! I think you're a damn bastard, that's what I think!!! Anak puta ka (or however that's said). ah... I'm just jealous ;) Found this ad for a tweaked out 1999 CBR 900RR in the states:
  20. StuTheWise

    what\´s the mother of all sciences ?

    Meta Physics. It's all theoretical. Who cares if you're wrong? There's no way to prove it 'cause it's just a theory! By the time they get around to disproving you, you'll be long dead and not have to bare the shame of it all.