are we raising stoopid kids?


Well-Known Member
my son and ku'u's sister had to turn in their English portfolios today and they left it at home ... so I, like the loving mother and aunty I am *gag* ran home and picked them up. The day is saved, right?


Neither one of them turned it in ... hello? can someone say "lamers"? We're trying to figure out punishments for them - doesn't even have to fit the crime either. My cousin said to take the portfolios and hit them upside the heads with them :D Any other suggestions?
Besides pay you for gas and the time and energy you had to take off from work, let's see ...

1. Wash both our cars.
2. Wax both our cars.
3. Vacuum both our cars.
-see the trend?

4. Walk the 12 miles home together, so they can see the effort it took to go home and pick up their homework that they never turned in - which they should've brought with them this morning in the first place.

Hmm ... anything else?
ok, let me get this straight.

they write the portfolio but leave them at home
so you go home and get them the portfolio
then they still don't hand it in?

they do work but would rather get no mark than even try to get one?

make them eat the portfolio, or better still get them to make ther own tea but not let them eat it :D
that's what aggravates me about my sister. she'll do the work, but she won't turn it in. it's a habit of hers. why even bother doing the work?!

every day i make her write down her assignments and she shows me the finished assignments every day after school ... so, why do all her teachers still say she doesn't hand in her homework? "i forgot" is the most brilliant answer my sister can give me :rolleyes:
yeah - my son usually isn't like that ... my daughter is, but my son isn't ... that's why I'm tripping out ... and the thing is, he's still working on it .. he figures if she accepts it tomorrow, he can make it even better ... geez ... he doesn't get that he should have just turned it in ... *duh*
*pulling hair in frustration*

okay, my idiot sister forgot her portfolio at home ... AGAIN! What can I do to make her grow up?

Why do I care so much if she flunks? My brother flunked throughout high school, and I just laughed at him. Why do I take on this added stress and worry about my sister's grades? *sigh*
Do what I did when my kids 'forgot' to turn in homework. Nothing. Don't run and get it for them, don't even mention it. They are probably only after some attention...ANY attention. Try that the next time. I bet they will bring it up just to get a rise out of you.
I have a plan... I'll go back to college and send all my assignments to you. Have the kids do the work, then send it back to me so I can turn it in as my own! That way, at least somebody (namely me) will benefit...
Originally posted by StuTheWise
I have a plan... I'll go back to college and send all my assignments to you. Have the kids do the work, then send it back to me so I can turn it in as my own! That way, at least somebody (namely me) will benefit...

do they bring it up when you dont do anything Gato or do they try to hide it from you?
Originally posted by Gato_Solo
Do what I did when my kids 'forgot' to turn in homework. Nothing. Don't run and get it for them, don't even mention it. They are probably only after some attention...ANY attention. Try that the next time. I bet they will bring it up just to get a rise out of you.

oops wrong quote on my last response but same question to you gato sorry about that.
I agree with Gato, however, a harder punishment might also work:

- a week without tv.
- a week "jailed" at home
- no telephone
- no computer, no internet, no videogames

don't know.......something that has to do with "time" (a week) and things she enjoy.....
thast what i would have thought myself. a week without something they enjoy unti they get their act toghter.
When "normal" punishment (time outs etc.) didn't work, I decided that lessons are best learned when suffering is involved... I remembered back to my days of Marine Corps boot camp. Yes, my drill instructors taught me to inflict misery quite well. I now pass on what I have learned to my kids.
since ku'u isn't here, I'll take the liberty of replying ...
all of those punishments have already been tried ... especially on ku'u's end ... as for my son, he has to suffer the consequences of his actions. He turned in his portfolio, though it was late, and therefore gets a lower grade. That translates into less fun stuff for him over the summer.

For the most part he's responsible .. just sometimes, it's like his brain went on vacation or something .. :D
When "normal" punishment (time outs etc.) didn't work, I decided that lessons are best learned when suffering is involved... I remembered back to my days of Marine Corps boot camp. Yes, my drill instructors taught me to inflict misery quite well. I now pass on what I have learned to my kids.

I'm sooo glad you weren't my dad! ;)
Originally posted by StuTheWise
When "normal" punishment (time outs etc.) didn't work, I decided that lessons are best learned when suffering is involved... I remembered back to my days of Marine Corps boot camp. Yes, my drill instructors taught me to inflict misery quite well. I now pass on what I have learned to my kids.

i just hope your not too hard on them.