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  1. BlurOfSerenity

    How I would reboot the USA

    amen sistah!
  2. BlurOfSerenity

    Barack Obama, advocate for killing babies throughout the known world

    and it certainly is a beautiful thing to be free from :)
  3. BlurOfSerenity

    Barack Obama, advocate for killing babies throughout the known world

    i'm sorry, your post doesn't make a lot of sense to me. i have time-and-time-again said that "should have..." doesn't do a lot of good after the fact. pregnant woman: i'm pregnant. person who is apparently an expert in time travel: well, shoulda kept your legs shut! pregnant woman: oh...
  4. BlurOfSerenity

    Barack Obama, advocate for killing babies throughout the known world

    and the women without a lot of money for healthcare will just "suck the gov't teat" (as some like to put it) when they get the health problems that sometimes accompany that... sounds like a good answer!
  5. BlurOfSerenity

    Valkyrie - back for another run

    wb! i wanted to read about chiggers, but the link in your siggy doesn't work anymore :(
  6. BlurOfSerenity

    iPhone apps

    it probably is on some relatively harmless what-are-the-consumers-buying level, at least. i love my sidekick lx... hell, i love the whole sidekick thing in general. they don't have cool programs, but i haven't so far been like, "you know what i REALLY need? digital bubble wrap!" or something...
  7. BlurOfSerenity

    PETA: Sea Kittens

    so the other must be liquitex fluorescent pink acrylic paint :nerd:
  8. BlurOfSerenity

    Barack Obama, advocate for killing babies throughout the known world

    i do actually agree with you. ultimately, i feel that abortion should be kept safe and legal (hence the no-coathanger sentiment), because making it unsafe and illegal doesn't really stop it, it just makes it dangerous. but i do think it's weird that taxpayer dollars would fund procedures in...
  9. BlurOfSerenity

    Belgian daycare slaughter

    absolutely. disgusting.
  10. BlurOfSerenity

    If you were an automobile

    an early one that had you had to crank up. just 'cause :)
  11. BlurOfSerenity

    More PC BS run amock

  12. BlurOfSerenity

    Barack Obama, advocate for killing babies throughout the known world

    is the best way i can say it at this time.
  13. BlurOfSerenity

    More PC BS run amock

    wow, that's weird. it's a game. a team's gotta win. one team has to be better than the other -- at least for the duration of the game. and one was waaaaay better. in a way, i see the forfeiture as more of a slap in the face to the losing team... "we're sorry, we know you suck, we shouldn't...
  14. BlurOfSerenity

    How I would reboot the USA

    many of my idealistic-yeah-i-know-it-will-never-happen plans are edits to the so-called "justice" system. none of this man-with-7-DWI's-is-still-a-free-man shit, and able to get his 8th. * none of this break-the-bones-of-your-INFANT-and-be-out-of-jail-in-18-mos shit. * and why is having weed...
  15. BlurOfSerenity

    How I would reboot the USA

    i think property tax pays for public services, like the police and stuff, but i'm not sure.
  16. BlurOfSerenity

    America's first half-White president

    (couldnt resist!)
  17. BlurOfSerenity

    America's first half-White president

    i'm sure someone can easily come up with an even longer list of leaders from other races who couldn't handle power...
  18. BlurOfSerenity


    na na na na na na na na where the hoo-ood atttt? where's the hooood? where's it aaaaaat?
  19. BlurOfSerenity


    does that mean what i think it means? :(
  20. BlurOfSerenity


    and congrats on 500 posts!