Barack Obama, advocate for killing babies throughout the known world


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Obama Lifts Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding
President Obama signed the executive order one day after the 36th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in all 50 states.

Friday, January 23, 2009

President Obama on Friday lifted a ban on federal funding for international groups that promote or perform abortions, reversing a policy of his predecessor, George W. Bush.

Obama signed the executive order one day after the 36th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in all 50 states.

Liberal groups welcomed the decision while abortion rights foes criticized the president, who was long expected to make this move during his first week in office.

The so-called Mexico City policy requires any non-governmental organization to agree before receiving U.S. funds that they will "neither perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations."

It is also known as the "global gag rule," because it prohibits taxpayer funding for groups that even talk about abortion if there is an unplanned pregnancy.

The policy was first instituted by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 and continued by President George H.W. Bush. The policy was reversed by President Bill Clinton in 1993, and re-instated by President George W. Bush in 2001.

Both Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who will oversee foreign aid, had promised to do away with the gag rule during the presidential campaign. Clinton is to visit the U.S. Agency for International Development, through which much U.S. foreign aid is disbursed, later on Friday.

Organizations that had pressed Obama to make the abortion-ban change were jubilant.

"Women's health has been severely impacted by the cutoff of assistance. "President Obama's actions will help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, abortions and women dying from high-risk pregnancies because they don't have access to family planning," said Tod Preston, a spokesman for Population Action International, an advocacy group.

Anti-abortion groups criticized the move.

"President Obama not long ago told the American people that he would support policies to reduce abortions, but today he is effectively guaranteeing more abortions by funding groups that promote abortion as a method of population control," said Douglas Johnson, legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee.

Obama has spent his first days in office systematically signing executive orders reversing Bush administration policies on issues ranging from foreign policy to government operations. On Thursday, he signed three executive orders to rein in secretive U.S. counterterror policies and end harsh interrogations.

FOX News' Major Garrett and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

is the best way i can say it at this time.
If you want an abortion (during the first trimester) help yourself. After that, it's rapidly approaching murder.

Having our government pay for abortions in the US is not their job.

Why in the hell are we paying for abortions anywhere else in the world?
Having our government pay for abortions in the US is not their job.

Why in the hell are we paying for abortions anywhere else in the world?

i do actually agree with you.
ultimately, i feel that abortion should be kept safe and legal (hence the no-coathanger sentiment), because making it unsafe and illegal doesn't really stop it, it just makes it dangerous.
but i do think it's weird that taxpayer dollars would fund procedures in other countries. seems that there ought to be a big organization for this purpose, that has fundraisers so that those who want to support this cause may do so.
however, i see obama overturning this ban as something that could lead to steps in the right direction, even if not yet.
If you want an abortion (during the first trimester) help yourself. After that, it's rapidly approaching murder.

Having our government pay for abortions in the US is not their job.

Why in the hell are we paying for abortions anywhere else in the world?

A quick read of Roe reveals that the court intended that abortions beyond sixteen weeks were not what they intended.

This never should have been elevated to the federal level and should have stayed at the state level. As it was, the woman who was "Jane Roe" -- Norma McCorvey -- has since confessed that she was never actually denied the abortion which brought Roe to the court, so the entire decision was based upon perjured testimony. She now supports making abortion illegal.
Well the majority of the country favors choice, so is it the will of the people or is it the will of you folks who supposedly know better?
Oh and BTW, I agree we have no business funding this for other nations, although I am of the feeling that if you give someone a gift of any kind, it is up to them what they do with it.

I agree abortion is wrong when used as a means of birth control or frivolously, but an early term abortion is not murder in my opinion. No significant brain development has happened and I do not believe any serious "consciousness" has been achieved at that state. No it ought not be used lightly, but when the alternative is raising a child in an environment that will murder his/her spirit and cause them to in turn be a burden on society at large in some way, it's really mercy.

Adoption you say? Even the most unfit yet sane and rational mothers who carry to term have a very hard time giving the child up when all is said and done. How often do we hear of young mothers backing out of it? I'd much rather see a prudent abortion than a child raised to be a murderer or thief, rapist, etc. I know of living examples of "should have been aborted". Regardless of whether you agree with me or not, it is the law, and it is the majority's stated position that it should be.
Well the majority of the country favors choice, so is it the will of the people or is it the will of you folks who supposedly know better?

To a degree, yes we do. Unlimited & unanswerable, we do not.

Adoption you say? Even the most unfit yet sane and rational mothers who carry to term have a very hard time giving the child up when all is said and done. How often do we hear of young mothers backing out of it?

Damned straight, It's better to kill 'em than give 'em away. After all, if I can't have her, no one can.
killing babies!!!!!!!!

how sensational.

a headline worthy of the national enquirer.

almost as attention-getting as elvis spotted in kalamazoo!
If it's unimportant, why did Obama choose to end the Reagan/Clinton/Bush executive order merry-go-round so soon?
It's as simple as this; if we give money to them for family planning clinics it really is none of our business how they use it, the point being if we want to limit things just keep the damn money!
It's even simpler than that...what business does the US have getting involved in foreign "family planning clinics "? We have plenty of our own problems down that line.
I maintain my position of old ... abortion is justifiable ... as part of a hystorectomy. No second bites at the apple.
Everyone knows that babies are the root of all evil.
Case in fact:
1) Bin Ladin was a baby
2) Hitler was a baby
3) William MacDonald (a.k.a., The Mutilator) was a baby
4) Ted Bundy was a baby

I would also like to add that they are very tasty roasted over an open fire. Their flesh being very tender and succulent.

I rest my case. :bow:
and the women without a lot of money for healthcare will just "suck the gov't teat" (as some like to put it) when they get the health problems that sometimes accompany that... sounds like a good answer!
Somehow I was expecting, maybe...... Faye Dunaway?


Wouldn't the best way to say it be "self-restraint" or lacking that ability then "birth control?"

I used to believe that keeping their legs shut was the best way for a girl to avoid becoming a mother. But then I realized how stupid I was being ... expecting self control from a population of sheep.
On another related but yet off topic note.....

This might interest some of you, although the truth does not appeal to most, obviously.

Notice that the countries where they are most open with their kids and basically their whole society about sex, are at the bottom of that list. There are some exceptions, but as a general rule it holds.

I also assure you, that the same trend shows up in statistics on sex crime. So the conclusion of the American people? Much as you'd expect; more religion, more repression, more abstinence teaching, and less birth control! That will fix it! Lets just do more of what we have been doing and the tides will turn! It's been working so well so far, hasn't it?!?

The main failing of our society is our inability to admit other people do things better than us and learn from it. If we don't wise up it will be the undoing of us!