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  1. tank girl

    er... romance, anyone?

    The other day, my bf told me that he.... "loved me so much that" - even his "boogers" come out of his nostrils "forming little love-hearts"...heheheh :lol: In a funny way, it was the most romantic thing he's ever said to me!!! :love: whats the best...'romantic'...
  2. tank girl

    something fishy

    Greenpeace boat struck by whaling ship NZPA (official press release) Ocean Defenders Japanese perspective It's hard to say here which side this whole "collision" thing actually worked better for. Greenpeace certainly claims that the japanese were trying to divert attention from...
  3. tank girl

    Earth is too crowded're funny.
  4. tank girl

    :grumpy: Damn SEX sites.........

    :hmm: if I accidentally-ahem- interrupted somebody who acted as my father figure and/or somebody I looked up to with respect, ogling dirty porn, I would be a little disturbed also. I don't think fluey is oblivious to the facts of life, but you do not casually see your dad doing that everyday...
  5. tank girl

    Kiss me honey, honey...

    There is an art to it. a good kiss is where you don't think, you surrender yourself to the moment. and you don't just shove your tongue in, you let your impulse take over. Have also found that kissing works best when both of you are in the same...scuse the pun...headspace.
  6. tank girl

    Tank slut is 21

    oh, but thats it.
  7. tank girl

    What is wrong with people, take 2...

    No, its funny because its actually quite a logical place to pull off a robbery.
  8. tank girl

    Tank slut is 21

    Well, this thread just has to be the best thing I recieved for my birthday.... ....and as flattered as I am about the ruckus being made over the particular comment in question; Ill just say this: In order to allow myself to be offended by such a remark I would be lowering myself to the...
  9. tank girl


    he's an enthusiastic little bugger isn't he? i myself liken the action of brushing to removing the frustrated particles of abstinence building up in my mind after a dry week. ... to dispel all unneccesary concerns regarding the instance of funkiness and the like -i'm happy to reveal that...
  10. tank girl


    ooh ooh update: 12 hrs or so ago :brush:
  11. tank girl


    you betcha... ...just reigniting the spark, thats all. how uplifting ;)
  12. tank girl


    a) i did it with myself this morning...twice, if that counts (i personally count that as a type of sex... but not since last sunday with somebody else b) a year or so (with somebody else that is ;) ) c) i suppose i could go for a few months d) ...but i would go super-psycho without...
  13. tank girl

    Who would play YOU?

    ....Angelina Jolie.... :winkkiss:
  14. tank girl


    when was the last time you did it? how long on record have you been without it? how long could you go without it? how crazy would you get? ....just wonderin'. bored obviously, thats why i'm back. :swing:
  15. tank girl

    S. Korea opens stem cell bank

  16. tank girl

    'Rape film' released uncut

    'Irreversible" was one of the films selected for us to analyse in my film paper last year, though I chose not to go and see it others in my class did and it did result in quite an interesting discussion about the nature of movies depicting this sort of thing and the types of audience that would...
  17. tank girl

    "Unborn babies cry in the womb"

    Your thoughts, please.
  18. tank girl

    Casual sex

    I'm posting rather late on this thread, but I thought I'd offer some of my input anyhow. Couldn't be bothered wasting my time by reading the entire thread but I get the gist of it. I can't choose any of those categories you provide... It might have been (3).... but then I do say yes to...
  19. tank girl

    Move to commercialise breast milk

    at the moment...given hope. If restrictions were eased it would do a lot more.
  20. tank girl

    Move to commercialise breast milk

    how about in the case of - Prem babies? - Orphans? - Adopted children? - Mothers who have problems producing milk? - seriously ill mothers, with infections, wo are on some sort of medication, who are drug addicts ? I definately agree that its weird thinking about giving your child...