Kiss me honey, honey...


New Member
So, I've been wondering about something....What is it that makes some people 'good' kissers and others just suck? What is a good kiss to you? And also, do you consider yourself to be a good kisser (and heck, what is it that you do that you think makes you the great smoocher that you are?).
To me a good kisser doesn't try to shove his tongue down your throat. A little bit is good, but there really needs to be a limit or it just gets gross. I don't mind nice soft lips either. My guy can use lip balm if he wants, that just makes it better! I don't judge.
I used to not like too much tongue, but recently I got into a bit of a tongue wrestle with an older guy (best damned snog I've had in a long time)...bit more tongue than I am usually comfortable with, but dyamn....
I like tongue too but not right outta the gate. I want to feel lips first then tongue. Starting off nice and soft and sweet then turning deeper and more passionate.
I'm hundred percent with you on that...first lips, then maybe a little nibble...then the tongue. I hate it when it feels like a guy is trying to impale you with his tongue :rolleyes:
I'm a good kisser, or so I've been told by several women. To me, the important thing about kissing is not the lack/abuse of tongue/lips/movement you do, but the whole sensation. You know, you just kinda feel what's going on.

Don't know how I do it, but I've had some girls with their "wooowww" faces right after the kiss.
I've never been kissed, so I wouldn't know.

Well ok, I have been kissed by one person, but I'm trying to forget about that creature, so let's try to pretend it didn't happen.
There is an art to it.

a good kiss is where you don't think, you surrender yourself to the moment.

and you don't just shove your tongue in, you let your impulse take over.

Have also found that kissing works best when both of you are in the same...scuse the pun...headspace.
ooohh . I totally agree with tonksy. Nice and soft, lips touching, then tongue ... straight tongue right off the bat? Very very no.
too much saliva and lack of muscle coordination in the mouth can really ruin a kiss.
my ex had a swimming pool in his mouth. he was constantly drooling. that didn't make for very good kisses. i also kissed a guy who just kind of let his mouth hang open. it sucked.

i myself am a huge fan of slightly-open-mouthed kisses, with no tongue. i agree with everyone who says that too much tongue isn't good.