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  1. tank girl

    Big date tonight...

    Re: THE SAGA CONTINUES... *ahem* because according to "The rules" of dating - it is virtually a sin to let him think you are interested and just give in. It makes you easier to pursue, an easy catch. And for men, the fun is in the chase - the pursuit. Another biological/primal...
  2. tank girl

    Big date tonight...

    THE SAGA CONTINUES... :joy: HE CALLED! left a message inviting me to go to the beach on my voicemail... :confuse2: now whaddoIdooohoooo????? My inclination is to play it cool - don't call back for an hour or so and then say that I've already got things planned (even though I don't) to...
  3. tank girl

    "everyone else has had more sex than me..." :p

    thought it was an appropriate follow-up to GreenFreaks post :D everybody else has had more sex than me :(
  4. tank girl

    What's your number?

    1. 19 2. 1 3. 1 4. 2 including the guy I lost my virginity to... 5. I have a current partner? :mope: if I did, I don't really think I'd go into details...just as I wouldn't really care to hear much about his. OMIGOD!!...I'm such a 'skank' ...:shrug:
  5. tank girl

    Knocking sense into ex-patriots

    :rofl: Are you serious? And so that makes you and your ideologies, what, completely flawless? There is NO ideology on earth that is completely right or wrong - none better than the other - it is only the die-hard proponents of a certain ideology that claim so.(ALL DICTATORS HAVE THIS ONE...
  6. tank girl

    Knocking sense into ex-patriots

    Isn't blaming anything and everything you don't like on "liberals" getting a bit tired? :yawn: Somehow it seems like an incredibly weak excuse to resort to wheedling out of criticism with the same old bigoted and simplified conclusions all the time. :shrug:
  7. tank girl

    Big date tonight...

    :rofl4: CB thats your best post yet :D
  8. tank girl

    Big date tonight...

    aw. It just got too intense and you were somehow missed in the crossfire. here you go-oo... :tomato:
  9. tank girl

    Big date tonight...

    you two have been gettin busy in here. :lurk: carry on now, I'm enjoying this... *cheers for team Abooja*
  10. tank girl

    Knocking sense into ex-patriots So thats what living in N.Z will do to you: make you really see whats important, make you see some sense :D :lloyd:
  11. tank girl

    Big date tonight...

    What: so women have no right to behave the way men have been for centuries? :eyebrow:
  12. tank girl

    Big date tonight...

  13. tank girl

    Big date tonight...

    btw :rofl:
  14. tank girl

    Big date tonight...

    :mope: I don't do luck. I'm doomed, remember? :lloyd:
  15. tank girl

    Big date tonight...

    I'm a'feared following that sort of advice would result in many an unsatisfied woman. Not to mention a scarcity of any nekkid ones :shrug: Can't have that, now, can we?
  16. tank girl

    Big date tonight...

    :wstupid:YOU CAN LEAD THE WAY...(or at least point us in the right direction...)
  17. tank girl

    Big date tonight...

    You know what - although it might appear to be that way, I think that really nothing has changed. That trend of behaving like a guy as far as sex is concerned is just that: a trend spurred on by "post-fem" attitudes made popular by the likes of programmes such as sex and the city. A pretty risky...
  18. tank girl

    Big date tonight...

    As I see it: guys base sexual attraction on visual stimulus - be it an attractive woman or the woman you love. Most (but not necessarily all) women including myself, base the sexual attraction almost 99% on emotional and mental stimulus - things HAVE to be okay in some way...
  19. tank girl

    Big date tonight...

    I'm too young and beautiful to be alone :p All I want is a bit of security, a bit of sincerity and someone to love - thats all.
  20. tank girl

    Big date tonight...

    I'm doomed. I've always thought life would be much easier being a lesbian.