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  1. R

    Pregnancy and Folic Acid!

    BJ's right -- any multivitamin should take care of the folic acid need. And if you choose to go the "prenatal vitamin" route, I'd highly recommend comparing the nutrients between the prenatals and a regular multivitamin (think: Centrum). Generally the multivitamin will have more nutrients for...
  2. R

    A hard lesson

    If they can't/don't want to pay the taxes, they have the option of declining the gift and therefore not owing any tax. Still sucks, though. Either way.
  3. R

    The latest on the puppy

    Ooooh, PostCode, please show more pictures of that cute lil' pup!! :D After having Lucy, the husband has decided that his next dog will defiantely be a black pug. Lucy's solid black, but she has enough mini-weinie dog in her to make the Pug features hard to notice unless you really look. :D
  4. R

    Pass me some good thought please

    *hugs* :(
  5. R

    Warning for cat owners

    :( then that is a bummer
  6. R

    Warning for cat owners

    I hate to be the devil's advocate, but the cat could have been allergic to something in the product that caused the fatal reaction. To get all pissed off at the company/product over one incident is kind of ... extreme? I mean, I had no adverse reaction on my cat, other than the product...
  7. R

    Warning for cat owners

    I've used the over 10 pounds for Jane before. Didn't do anything to her. Including work. In fact, it was worthless and the fleas paid no attention to it. I ended up bathing her after three weeks from when I put it on and then taking her to the vet for stronger Advantage drops. I'm sorry...
  8. R

    Hurricane Ivan

    *will take scaredy-cat holes and tornadoes anyday to hurricanes*
  9. R

    Hey, Atlantans!

    *sends good thoughts and well wishes for Sharky and all others in Florida/Ivan's path* Mare, you're all alright from this go-round now? :D
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    Happy Birthday MitchSchaft!!!

    Happy Birthday!! :toast:
  11. R


    Have y'all scared off another one before he/she even got here?! :wave: Welcome to OTC, Lukav! Bring beer and no one bites. :) Less'n you want 'em too ... there's a few that'll happily oblige, I'm sure
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    Best wishes, Boo. :( Losing a loyal friend is never an easy thing to do. *fondly remembers Sam*
  13. R

    New pics of my little girl!

    awww, definately a cutie! :D the middle picture is just tooo sweeet. I think i'll have to see a dentist soon! ;)
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    I collect dust. Dirty dishes. Laundry. :(
  15. R

    Today is 9/10 - what're you doing tomorrow?

    'Bout the same here. We have an LPGA tournament going on at work this weekend, so it'll be just another day at the Ridge for me. Incidently, the Ridge is where I first heard of the planes crashing, heard it on msn from a friend living in australia, oddly enough. made it downstairs in time to...
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    The OTC Dual-BBQ thread

    Raven, Nix -- if y'all are worried some pics aren't suitable or appropriate -- use discretion. But post the ones that are, soon!!! ;) :D
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    The OTC Dual-BBQ thread

    *echoes what Bish said*
  18. R

    Would you use it?

    In a word ... hell no. Probably not.
  19. R


    Congrats! :D *throws confetti and gets the champagn out for everyone*