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  1. Cerise

    If you want to infuriate a conservative....

    Uh, I answered your question re: "given the opportunity to make the military look bad." That you are turning a blind eye to the fact that the press is more than eager to carry 0bama's water, and therefore will NOT say anything to criticize him is your problem.
  2. Cerise

    If you want to infuriate a conservative....

    I forget: WHO is the current so-called ''commander in chief'' definition ''the supreme commander of the armed forces of the nation" and WHY again would the left-biased media bite the hand that feeds them??
  3. Cerise

    If you want to infuriate a conservative....

    Puh-lease! Don't be foolish! You know very well the media is in Barry's back pocket. They would never put pen to paper to make their messiah, the so called CiNC, look bad. I mean......even considering the fact that he unconstitutionally attacked Libya and donned the title of new war...
  4. Cerise

    If you want to infuriate a conservative....

    That's a fact. Strange how the media was all about ''Bush's Fault" when the Abu-Grab-naked-terrorist-pyramid-photos came to light. The LMSM is slacking off by not giving rightful ownership of this urination irritation to Barry 0bama.
  5. Cerise

    dumbass Air Force 1

    Ahem. " "
  6. Cerise

    If you want to infuriate a conservative....

    ....piss on our flag. If you want to infuriate a liberal, piss on a dead Taliban terrorist. I seem to remember international videos of live people being beheaded. Dead people on fire hanging from a bridge and dead soldiers being dragged naked through streets. The terrorists are dead...
  7. Cerise

    dumbass Air Force 1

    Awww, ya miss me minkey? :kiss: Facebook = a target-rich environment filled with unbelievably radicalized left-wing barking moonbat freaks the likes of which have never been seen on this forum. Nor would they last more than a post or two here, thankfully. :beardbng:
  8. Cerise

    dumbass Air Force 1

    Ahhhh......memories. The movie is being released soon. Will we see a redtailed F-16 escorting AF-1 around the Statue of Liberty?
  9. Cerise

    you still here?

  10. Cerise

    Herman Cain takes eleven seconds to answer a question

    Barack Hussein Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother’s side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father’s side........
  11. Cerise

    Fascism USA

  12. Cerise

    Fascism USA

    Uhhhhh.......seriously?? It ain't no fun when libs don't take the bait:
  13. Cerise

    Could the US crack high-speed rail?
  14. Cerise

    Could the US crack high-speed rail?

    Highway Star
  15. Cerise

    iran seems to be caving on a few things

    We are talking some serious "If shoe fits......"
  16. Cerise

    iran seems to be caving on a few things

    Yes, I can't imagine 0bongo taking any offensive action to protect this country.
  17. Cerise

    iran seems to be caving on a few things

    If the shoe fits