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  1. catocom

    not sure what to make of this one...

    me personally, since Bin Laden has been killed supposedly, I think Afghanistan is a false flag now. So powers can be held on to.
  2. catocom

    Yellowstone supervolcano larger than previously thought

    oooo, new arrow toys. I like um. :)
  3. catocom

    not sure what to make of this one...

    You can parse that statement any way you'd like. It only matter what "I" meant by it. But..... upon further details...placement of the bombs, and other circumstance, yeah, these guys were in the category of the worst kind of enemy combatants.
  4. catocom

    Yellowstone supervolcano larger than previously thought

    That depends on ones definition of "white". He certainly wouldn't past for "black" in parts of this city.
  5. catocom

    not sure what to make of this one...

    did I say he wasn't as bad? No! He's right where he's supposed to be. I wasn't sympathizing. Merely play profiling.
  6. catocom

    not sure what to make of this one...

    well those guys might get blood poison, or hepatitis, but Obama's wifey says he quit smoking, so I guess he probably won't get lung cancer, or arterial sclerosis.
  7. catocom

    not sure what to make of this one...

    I don't think he was so much about hurting people like these bombs were anyway. He was after just making a statement.
  8. catocom

    not sure what to make of this one...

    I don't have and info, or even a good reason to suspect it, but I'm thinking this type of thing may get more frequent. When, and for how long, and what targets though....I haven't a clue. It sure took the news media away from what is happening in congress though. I was glad to hear the...
  9. catocom

    not sure what to make of this one...

    introduction? What do you call what it was that Eric Rudolf did?
  10. catocom

    Acting like typical Apparatchiks

    He's in his 8th year. He's got a pretty good job now. He wants his own firm though. I thought he was a fool when he first told me years ago, but he's making well into the 6 figures, and working on 7.
  11. catocom

    Acting like typical Apparatchiks

    Gonz, A friend of mine is working on his doctorate atm online, for a really reasonable price, and able to do it and hold a job. You can work on your own time line. I'm thinking about starting a coarse, but I'm not sure what I want to major in yet. (I don't want to start until I have a clear...
  12. catocom

    positive moves on immigration

    Gonz, don't you know by now All the presidents since Reagan have said, and from some it's a direct quote.... "The constitution is just an old wrinkled up piece on paper" it means very little if anything to them, even though they SWORE and oath. We're not even really sure WHO they swore the oath...
  13. catocom

    Next Assault on 2nd Amendment: Mandatory Liability Insurance

    no it's no the insurance that's going to do it. That's a misdirection for the background check. At least in this state they are going way way back, to case that the city, and county (at least) do even have records on anymore. So they are denying people over something that out of their control...
  14. catocom

    Next Assault on 2nd Amendment: Mandatory Liability Insurance

    Goth, we just have to watch, and take it as it comes. My guess is the states are going to buck anything they try nationally. Especially Texas. So, we'll see. You won't see the people that could stop an arms 'recovery', until the shit . actually hit's the fan. I don't care what winkster says...
  15. catocom

    buddies and heroes

    yeah, I noticed that after Goth posted I jump the gun sometimes when someone post directly after me.
  16. catocom

    buddies and heroes

    why do I care? Because I live here. It's my home country, and my roots are here. As far as how much I (or anyone for that matter) pays... IMHO it's about percentage, not over all dollar amount. I do more work than I or any of the Docs told me I ever would be able to, and I'm good with myself...
  17. catocom

    buddies and heroes

  18. catocom

    buddies and heroes

    I gave you the basics up there, but as usual, you dismissed them, so again, what incentive do I have? It'd just be 'sos' I'd post, and you'd make excuses, or dismiss it.
  19. catocom

    buddies and heroes

    awwww, you miss me already? You really enjoy these little go-rounds, don't ya?
  20. catocom

    buddies and heroes

    I seriously would, but I don't like to work in vane. What can you do with said result beside discussion on this forum?