Next Assault on 2nd Amendment: Mandatory Liability Insurance


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Next Assault on 2nd Amendment: Mandatory Liability Insurance

Kurt Nimmo
April 2, 2013

A New York Democrat is working to reduce the number of Americans legally owning firearms by mandating they obtain expensive insurance.

In March, New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney boasted her proposed measure would be “the first bill to require liability insurance of gun buyers nationwide.”

H.R. 1369, the Firearm Risk Protection Act, mandates that all gun owners obtain liability insurance prior to buying a firearm.

“It shall be unlawful for a person who owns a firearm purchased on or after the effective date of this subsection not to be covered by a qualified liability insurance policy,” Maloney’s bill states.

The legislation calls for the federal government to impose a fine of $10,000 on firearms owners who do not have insurance after the bill becomes law.

The law would effectively reduce the number of legal firearms owners in the country and create a new class of criminals. Many Americans would either not choose to follow the law or would be unable to afford the required insurance and would be forced to forfeit their firearms under fear of prosecution by the federal government.

“For too long, gun victims and society at large have borne the brunt of the costs of gun violence,” Maloney said when she introduced the bill in the House. “My bill would change that by shifting some of that cost back onto those who own the weapons.”

In other words, according to the New York Democrat and the sponsors of her legislation, legal gun owners are responsible for violence committed by others. Anti-Second Amendment Democrats have adopted this irrational argument as they move to strip Americans of their firearms following the Sandy Hook massacre.

The proposed law is “ridiculous on its face, as it presumes law-abiding gun owners are guilty for merely exercising a fundamental, constitutional right,” Chris Cox, the executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, told The Daily Caller on Tuesday.


This is unconstitutional. ObamaCare set a precedent for it though.
it's nothing more than a behavioral measure. set the bar higher to own guns, and less riff raff will have easy access to them. i'm sure some sociologist told maloney about behavioral economics, and now she thinks she holds a mighty phallus.

of course the overt argument behind it is absurd. i mean, throw a nasty plaintiff attorney in there, and who can't you blame for gun violence? shit, people should get insurance to protect them from liability stemming from the actions of their children. sandy hook mom woulda been a good customer were she not dirtnapping.

regardless, the fact that it has no chance at passing prevents neither infowars from making this into the latest massive assault on mom and apple pie, nor it's dipshit minions from parroting the same.
you have no info on the likleyhood of such an absurdity passing. since you're unable to respond with anything of substance, you're just attempting to be annoying. nice work, dummiez.
"The legislation was filed in response to a lawsuit to stop county commissioners in Rowan County from opening meetings with a Christian prayer"

There you go...
Goth, we just have to watch, and take it as it comes.
My guess is the states are going to buck anything they try nationally.
Especially Texas.
So, we'll see.
You won't see the people that could stop an arms 'recovery', until the shit .
actually hit's the fan.
I don't care what winkster says though, I don't think it's be like when FDR outlawed gold.
There's will be major violence.
"The legislation was filed in response to a lawsuit to stop county commissioners in Rowan County from opening meetings with a Christian prayer"

There you go...

They don't need to declare a state religion in order to open meetings with a Christian prayer.
i guess i'm just waiting for someone to explain and provide evidence for the notion that this gun insurance bullshit is anything more that a twinkle in one twit's eye.
it is as much a "twinkle in one twit's eye" as redistributing your 401k or Executive Order 6102

So Minky, do you doubt that in the future the American public will be all but disarmed?
In our current world do really think this possible?
If you were my kid's age I'd be able to lend you the excuse of youth as a reason for such a view
but you've been around long enough to have personally witnessed a solid trend towards government
control of every aspect of your public and personal life.
it is as much a "twinkle in one twit's eye" as redistributing your 401k or Executive Order 6102

So Minky, do you doubt that in the future the American public will be all but disarmed?
In our current world do really think this possible?
If you were my kid's age I'd be able to lend you the excuse of youth as a reason for such a view
but you've been around long enough to have personally witnessed a solid trend towards government
control of every aspect of your public and personal life.

government does not prevent me from anything of substance.

the only limit to what anyone can do is their own stinking self.

you're negative nellie nuts. and a sad sack perez hilton collectivist.

i have no time for communists like you. i have too many women.

nevertheless i hope your vaginal injury is less bothersome in the morning.

and sorry about your mood swings. maybe the doctor should pass you a new script?
is that an argument for local rights and community standards? if so, let them tard out. i won't be moving there.

Yea, and that is the beauty of it. No matter how insipid or ridiculous they get, you can always move,
or join the legislature & change the law. If the feds do it, we all suffer equally
i agree. i just don't see this random spasm as the real threat. and find those that do kinda faggy.
Tell the folks in Colorado & Connecticut that these stupid things won't pass.

Lose the House & all these things become a leftists wet dream (unlike the (R)'s
who didn't know they weren't the minority losers anymore)