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  1. Luis G

    Did you cry when you saw the pictures on television?

    Hi MS, good to see you back. How's life treating you?
  2. Luis G

    2012 Movie

    Having a rough time? :D About the 2012 movie, I saw the trailer yesterday, I think of it as the next "The day after tomorrow". Lots of natural catastrophes/special fx but poor film overall.
  3. Luis G

    Electronics Stores

    Keep in mind that it is likely the warranty will only be valid within the US.
  4. Luis G

    Debian based apps

    Sorry I can't help, I use vim for web development :shrug:
  5. Luis G

    best google logo

  6. Luis G

    District 9 movie

    Watched it yesterday, I was surprised to see that it wasn't the typical alien movie where they are the bad guys trying to kill us :thumbup: 90% on rotten tomatoes
  7. Luis G

    Hippo Bathday Samcurry

  8. Luis G

    Mexico is about to be rickrolled

    And we didn't get the rain :(
  9. Luis G

    Swine flu

    AFAIK, AH1N1 vaccine is not administered through a needle, it is more like a spray in the nose.
  10. Luis G

    Gross! Most men don't wash with soap after the toilet

    That is what is visible, what is invisible and could probably be a greater source of diseases is if anyone ever considers washing their hands BEFORE. If I was given the choice of either washing before or after I'd choose before, I'm not going to grab my penis with dirty hands, and since I'm...
  11. Luis G

    Mexico is about to be rickrolled

    I wish it was closer to the coast now, that way we would get some rain.
  12. Luis G


    I like Lost *peepwall*
  13. Luis G

    I surrender.

    More like the latest proof supporting the theory. I have hope in some humans, long lost is the hope in humanity.
  14. Luis G

    If not the rw..then?

    No RW talking :D
  15. Luis G

    Town hall meeting

    There was a time when exchanging ideas on forums was great, there was a time when talking about anything was great, everything was fine and everybody got along. Then there was a time when exchanging ideas became a quest for convincing the others of how wrong they are by means of excessive...
  16. Luis G

    didn't know OTC was so important

    :eek2: Source (reuters)
  17. Luis G

    A fan with no blades?

    Wonder if that brushless motor moves some blades.
  18. Luis G

    Playin' the hard drive shuffle!

    A 750GB drive storing its data in 3 plates *might* actually be slower than a 750GB drive storing it in 6 plates. Reason: the drive can read from all the plates at the same time. Think of it as a RAID within the drive itself. Making denser plates has improved greatly the capacity of the drives...
  19. Luis G

    "Think Different" No more CrApple products for me!

    Re: Fuck "Think Different" No more CrApple products for me! Solution 1 Solution 2 :D
  20. Luis G

    DAMN I HATE laptops, and OEMs!

    Ever since Pentium Pro (at least for the x86) there's support for 36-bit addressing via PAE (wikipedia). With PAE you're limited to 64GB of RAM and your applications are most likely to become jailed within a 4GB space, unless the OS overcomes this with some tricks. You do need an OS that...